Page 26 of Wanting the Winger

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“Nope. I’ve never learned. But I play a mean game of Go Fish.”

“That’s good to know.”

“Why did you ask me about poker? Do you play in a league or something?”

I smile. “No. I was thinking you wouldn’t be good at it because everything you’re feeling shows on your face. Everyone would know if you had a winning or losing hand.”

She reflexively touches her cheek. “Really? I guess I never noticed.”

“It’s not a bad thing.”

“I’m not sure it’s a good trait to have either. That means when someone’s pissing me off at work they can tell.”

I nod. “Most definitely.”

“Oh well.” She shrugs, picking up the first drink again. “I don’t like most of the people I work with anyway.” Her lips wrap around the straw as she takes a deep pull, hollowing out her cheeks. I’m trying to behave and not think about what her full lips would look like wrapped around my dick, but I’m not having much luck. And the instant response taking place inside my pants has me leaning forward to place my arms on the table.

“Have you chosen a favorite yet?” I ask to distract myself.

“It’s between this one”—she holds up the cup currently in her hand—“and the last one.”

“Are you working tomorrow?” I ask.

“Yes, but I’m out at three, which I prefer. I like to be able to see Tillie right after school. She likes to chatter about her day when she first gets off the bus.”

“When you’re at the shop, what does she do?”

“Her dad works from home, so she’s with him.”

“Where does he live?”

She places the cup down and licks her lips before wiping her mouth with her napkin. Her eyes dart around the cafe.

Is she nervous about answering me?

She finally meets my curious gaze. “He lives on the other side of the duplex from me.”

My muscles tense up when I realize what she said. “You live in the same house?”

“It’s two separate homes in one. He has his side and I have mine.”

“That’s convenient.” I’m not happy about what I learned. She basically still lives with her ex.

“It really is,” she replies, misconstruing my reply.

“How did the two of you end up in the duplex?”

“Ryan purchased the property a few years ago, and I pay rent to live in my half. Of course, he doesn’t charge me what he could get from a stranger living there. But he thought it was the perfect solution to raising Tillie together without being a couple. And so far, it’s worked out fantastically for us.”

“Fantastic,” I droll.

Her eyebrows lower as she frowns. “Am I sensing some sarcasm?”

“Maybe a little. You have to admit, it’s not an average living arrangement between two exes.”

“No, it’s not, but in my opinion that’s something to be proud about. Tillie has access to both of her parents any time she needs us.” Her tone turns a little icy.

“I can see how that would be a benefit.”
