Page 38 of Wanting the Winger

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“Hey.”I can’t help but beam when Evie steps outside. It’s an automatic reaction to how happy seeing her makes me. I couldn’t play it cool if I tried. And judging by the way she’s smiling back at me, I think she’s feeling the same. At least I hope she is.

She steps into my open arms and we both sigh. It’s only been a few days since we’ve seen each other but it seems so much longer. Placing my fingers under her chin, I tip her face up and lower down to reacquaint our lips. Rising on her toes, she arches her body into mine and I deepen the kiss. When we finally part, I drag in a long, drawn-out breath.

“That’s a hell of a way to start our date.”

“We’re starting off with a bang,” she says.

“I wish.” I wink at her.

She laughs. “Where are we going anyway?”

“When I texted you earlier you mentioned you were eating dinner with Tillie, so I was thinking I’d take you out for an ice cream.”

“Ooh, I love that idea. Tillie eats dinner early, so by eight o’clock, I’m always hungry for something.”

Can I please be that something?

I help her climb up into my truck. “I didn’t know Brutus was with you,” she squeals, reaching back to pet him. He moves forward in the extended cab to lick her cheek, and she giggles. “Well, hello to you too, big guy.”

Grinning at how adorable the two of them are together, I make my way around to the driver’s side and slip behind the wheel. “Brutus, go sit down,” I say, and he complies, jumping onto the bench seat.

“What a good boy you are,” Evie praises him before I can.

For once there’s no traffic and the drive is over in a matter of minutes. I chose a place with a walk up window so Brutus can come along. I fasten his leash to his collar and the three of us get in line.

“I see Brutus’s color is still looking strong.” Evie rolls her lips inward, holding back her smile.

“Yeah, a little too strong for my taste, but the groomer was hot as well as apologetic, so it is what it is.” I shrug.

“So she was hot?” Evie asks, arching one eyebrow.

“Yep. Extremely hot.”

“You should take her out sometime.”

“I was thinking about it because she might be the perfect woman for me. She likes ice cream and my dog.”

“Sounds like a winner to me,” she drolls.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders, drawing her into my side. I press my lips against her temple, and whisper, “Did I tell you how happy I am to see you?”

Her eyes lock with mine. “I don’t recall hearing those words.”

“Well, I am. This is the highlight of my week so far.” I’m not even exaggerating. If I could capture how she makes me feel and bottle it up, I’d be a billionaire. Who wouldn’t want to experience the plethora of emotions filling my chest to capacity? Or the physical symptoms of falling for someone that mimic what it’s like to ride a roller coaster.

We move up to the window and I place our order. Brutus nudges my leg as if to remind me not to forget about him.

“I didn’t know they had dog ice cream here,” Evie says.

“It’s the only place I know of that does. Every once in a while, I buy some for him when I grocery shop, but it’s not the same as going out for an ice cream. Right, Brutus?” He rubs his head against my thigh in agreement.

Evie reaches down to scratch behind his ears. “He’s such a lover. It bothers me how so many people are afraid of Pit Bulls. In my experience, they’re such sweet and affectionate dogs.”

“Any dog has the potential to be bad with the wrong owners. It’s the same as kids. If you grow up hearing you’re a piece of shit, you’re probably going to turn out to be a piece of shit adult.”
