Page 41 of Wanting the Winger

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“What did they want?”

“They’re new to the area and asked me to recommend a couple of restaurants.”

“It’s weird that they had you write them down on paper. Don’t they have cell phones?”

“Yeah. I thought so too, but I just went along with it.”

Stop talking.I scold myself. Because I feel so bad about not being honest about my job, I’m over explaining the situation. I need to come clean about my career. She deserves to know the truth.



Darius parks in my driveway.“What’s your weekend look like? I have a work function on Saturday night, and I’d love it if you’d be my date.”

I’m about to agree when I remember I have a banquet to go to. I promised my mother I’d attend after she pretty much begged me. My dad is getting honored by the Charleston Coyotes for being their winningest coach. As much as I don’t want to go, it’ll make my mom happy if I’m there. She and I have a less troubled relationship now that I’m an adult and out of their house. I can deal with my dad for a few hours in public. He’s much nicer to me when there are others around.

“I wish I could go with you, but I have a family commitment that night. I’ve been promising my mom I’d be there for months now. I can’t tell you how many times she’s reminded me. So I can’t pretend I forgot about it, no matter how much I’d like to.”

“Your mom sounds like mine,” he says.

“From what you’ve told me, you’re very close with yours.”

“I am. She’s one of my favorite people.”

“That’s so nice. My mom and I are a work in progress. I had a lot of resentment toward her for how she didn’t stand up to my dad when he was being unreasonable about me being pregnant with Tillie. But I guess part of growing up means forgiving people for their mistakes.”

“Holding grudges and feeling resentment only hurts you. I’m a big believer in being positive and expressing gratitude,” he says.

“Who are you? Are you sure you’re human?”

He laughs and pinches the skin on his arm. “I’m pretty sure I am, but I can’t say what’s under this skin suit for sure.”

“You’re such a genuinely nice person. I’m not sure I’m worthy of you,” I say.

“Hey.” He reaches out a hand to cup my cheek. “Don’t ever think that. You’re beautiful inside and out.”

I curl my fingers around his wrist, holding his hand in place. “Thank you. However, there’s always room for improvement, and focusing on the good in my life is something I need to do more of. Maybe some of your awesomeness is rubbing off on me.”

“Before I go, I need to tell you some—”

“You’re not going anywhere but inside my house with me,” I say forcefully, cutting him off.

His eyes go wide and then he grins. “If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get. But what about Brutus? I can take him home if you want and then come back.”

“No way. Brutus is always welcome at my house.”

“What about me?” he asks.

“I’m still undecided,” I tease, releasing my hold on his wrist.

He shuts off his truck and grabs his keys. “I guess my powers of persuasion aren’t as effective as I thought. I’ll have to work on that.” He opens the back door for Brutus while I get out my side.

“Do you mind if I walk him around the backyard before we go in?” he asks.

“Go for it. Neither Ryan nor I have any pets, so it’s a clean slate for him to mark.” And boy does he take advantage of that. I think he lifts his leg on every inch of the perimeter.
