Page 69 of Wanting the Winger

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“I was laughing because I’ve been where you are. We all have. We all got struck by the fat baby’s arrow and none of us have ever been the same since. Am I allowed to say fat baby or is that offensive?”

“You’re offensive in general, Knox, but we still put up with you,” Darren says.

“As long as you don’t cancel me. I couldn’t deal with that,” Knox says, and I think he means it.

“Welcome to the club, bro.” He holds out his fist for me to bump.

“Any words of advice you want to share?” I ask, knowing I’ll probably regret it.

“Don’t piss her off right before bedtime, or sex will be out of the question,” Levi says.

I nod. “Sounds reasonable.”

“Don’t tell her you’re the hot one in the relationship,” Knox says.

“That’s easy enough. I’m not and I would never say something like that,” I tell him.

“Jesus, Knox. I don’t know why Delaney puts up with you.” Darren shakes his head.

He grins. “I eat pussy like a champ and fuck like a god amongst mere mortals.”

“And boast like a dickhead,” Ace fires back.

We all laugh because that’s a very un-Ace-like reply.

He shrugs. “Mariko must be rubbing off on me.” She’s definitely the more feisty one of the two of them.

“Where’re Flynn and Nadia?” I ask.

“They’re up in Massachusetts visiting his mom. They spend a lot of time there, but they’ll be back before football camp starts up.”

Tillie and Three come running over. “Does anyone want to help us build a giant sandcastle and a moat?” Three asks.

“Will you help, Darius?” Tillie asks, tapping my arm with her small hand. Her fingernails match her sky-blue eyes.

“Sure, but you’ll have to pull me out of this chair. I think I’m stuck.”

“Come on, Three. You grab that hand and I’ll get this one,” she says. They each grip one of my hands and begin to pull. I put on a good show, pretending I’m about to stand, then falling back down. After a couple of minutes, I rise to my feet and they both bounce around cheering. I high five them both and follow them over to the area they’ve designated for the castle building.

I can’t resist slapping Evie’s tempting ass on the way by and she jumps. With a hand on her chest, she aims a glare at me, but as soon as she sees me drop to my knees in the sand with Tillie and Three, her expression softens.

It doesn’t take long for the rest of the guys to join us. Once they saw how much fun we were having and how cool our castle and moat looks, they couldn’t resist. I’m sure it’s a sight to see a bunch of bigger-than-average guys on their knees playing in the sand. I notice Delaney taking pictures and showing them to the girls.

The sand has the perfect amount of moisture and it’s easy to form into shapes. We send the kids to search for interesting rocks and shells to use for walkways and windows. They eagerly run off with a yellow bucket to fill.

“This looks pretty kick-ass,” Levi says.

“I agree. But we need to add a bridge over the moat. The king needs a way to get over the water.”

“Good point,” Ace says.

“I got the bridge,” Knox volunteers.

“I haven’t built anything in the sand since I was a kid,” I say.

“That’ll all change now that you’re with Evie. Kids love to build shit in the sand,” Levi says.

“I’m enjoying it too.” I laugh. “Maybe this is where I need to move after I retire.”
