Page 73 of Wanting the Winger

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I point to the ice. “Right now, Darius has to try to block shots or steal passes that are made to or from the opposing defenseman.”

“Looks like he’s doing a good job at it,” she says, and she’s right.

“He is. Whoo!” I shout when he intercepts the puck from one of the opposing players. Hooking around, he changes direction, skating toward the other team’s net. Kaiden’s open and Darius notices. He passes the puck and Kaiden makes a textbook slapshot. The black disc is a blur as it passes between the side of the net and the goalie. The red light goes on, signaling the score.

I throw my arms up in the air and cheer along with the rest of the home crowd. Coyote fans have a reputation for being the loudest, and I’m happy to contribute to that.

Now that they’re up by three goals, and the last period is well under way, I feel like I can relax a little. About the game at least. I’m still going to worry about meeting his parents. That won’t change until it’s over and done with. And then I’ll probably worry whether they like me or not. When people say relationships are tough, I think a lot of the stresses can come from outside sources like work or family. Look at how my dad reacted to us being together. No matter how much of a brave front I put up in front of Darius, he knows it’s upsetting that my own father isn’t happy for me. I never want to be like him when Tillie finds someone to love someday. Her happiness is all that will ever matter to me.

* * *

The game finishes with a score of 3-0 and a crucial win for the Coyotes. They’re going to the conference finals. Last season they didn’t make it past the second round of the playoffs, so this is huge for them.

I bring Wendy down to the area Darius told me to meet him.

I feel so conspicuous standing here, even with my best friend beside me offering moral support. Who am I kidding? She’s here for the hockey players. But as a bonus, I know she’ll have my back if needed.

I keep to the edge of the crowd made up of family and friends waiting to see their players and lean back against the concrete wall, staring at my Chucks.

The smell isn’t bad like I expected it to be. Darius explained to me how the team’s equipment manager treats all their gear with an eco-friendly sanitizing spray. There’s also a machine that uses high-intensity UV lights to make ozone gas, which in turn sanitizes the equipment. I’m not sure I believed even modern technology could rid the world of hockey stench. But I’m happy to say it’s true.

“Evie?” I hear my name and raise my head. There’s an attractive middle-aged woman standing a few feet from me.

“Yes.” I nod.

She gives me a friendly smile. “I’m Eleni, Darius’s mother.”

I smile back at her. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

Eleni moves toward me and then pulls me into a hug. “It’s nice to meet you too. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you.”

“Well, Darius told me how close the two of you are. I’ve heard great things about you also.”

She releases me and gestures toward a handsome man I’m guessing is her husband. “This is Darius’s father, Anatole.”

He shakes my hand in his firm grip and smiles at me. Darius looks so much like a younger version of him, except his eyes are darker than his dad’s are.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Evie.”

“And you, Mr. Kastellanos.”

“Please, call me Anatole.”

I introduce them to Wendy and then before we can continue our conversation, the players come out.

Wendy grabs onto my arm, and whispers, “Holy crap a moly. So many hot men. I’m not sure if I’m going to faint or have an orgasm. It could go either way.”

“Stay upright, please. I don’t want to have to catch you,” I say, knowing that she’s being her dramatic self. She’s not going to faint. That would mean she’d miss seeing the rest of the hockey players, and there’s no way in hell she’d let that happen.

“I’m aiming for the second option too,” she says.

When I glance toward the direction Darius will be coming from, I catch sight of him. His full lips parting, he beams at me. He’s so happy, my chest fills with emotion and my eyes get watery. Dropping his bag on the floor, he walks straight into my arms.

“Congratulations, o paíktis chókef mou.” He lifts me from my feet and spins me around before taking my lips in a celebratory kiss. He keeps it brief, but I feel the electric energy that’s always present between us all the way to my toes.

“Thank you for being here, agápi mou. I loved seeing you wearing my jersey.”

“You were amazing out there. I’m so proud of you.”
