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Her eyes widen when she sees the size of the cookies and brownies. “Oh, those look amazing.”

“If you want one, you have to tell me you’re extraordinary.”


“Say it. Say, ‘I’m extraordinary.’”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s awkward.”

“But why? If you don’t think you’re special, why should anyone else think you are?”

“It seems egotistical, though.”

“I’m not saying you need to walk around telling everyone how amazing you are, butyouneed to believe you are.”

Because she fucking is, and I’m going to make sure she knows it’s true.



I catchmy bottom lip between my teeth, working the fullness as I ponder Kaiden’s words. “Okay. I’ll work on that.”

“Say it,” he urges.

I turn so our eyes meet and give a barely noticeable shake of my head.

“Say the words.” He adds more bass to his voice, making me want to agree just to please him.

Pressing my lips together, I drag a breath in through my nose, then exhale. “I’m extraordinary.”

He grins, and the sexy flash of his teeth is like a punch of pleasure to my stomach. “Good girl. Now you can have dessert.” He pushes the container closer to me, but I kind of wish his lips were the reward.

His lips are forbidden. They used to belong to my sister and can never be mine.My silent reminder to myself has the effect of being doused with a bucket of water. Not only did it put an end to any ruminations about Kaiden’s lips, but it killed the little bit of appetite I still had remaining.

“Go on,” he urges. I’ve never been one to cave to peer pressure, but Kaiden’s entire face is lit with anticipation, and I don’t want to let him down.

Plucking a chocolate chip cookie from the pile, I take a bite, prepared to fake my enjoyment if needed. But that’s not necessary. My eyes fall closed as I chew. “Oh Lord,” I say before taking another bite. After I’ve swallowed, my eyelids finally open. “This is the best I’ve ever had.”

“I once asked Mrs. Donnelly for the recipe, and she told me it was a family secret. I don’t know what they add that makes it so much better than an average chocolate chip cookie.” He grabs one for himself and devours it in three bites. “But, damn, I wish I did.”

“I should hate you for how far I’m going to need to run tomorrow so this meal doesn’t go straight to my ass.”

He nudges my arm with his. “Maybe I should run with you and make sure you’re safe.”

I look into his teasing blue eyes. “I can assure you, I’m capable of running on my own.” I gesture at the large white bandage on my knee. “Despite what you witnessed. But if you want to join me, you’re more than welcome.” After the words leave me, I want to drag them back. Tonight is supposed to be about catching up, not making more plans with him.

“I’d love to join you. How do you feel about running on the beach?” he asks.

“I haven’t done that in ages. I probably won’t be able to make it as far as usual, but I’m game.”

“You can come to my place, and we’ll leave from there.”

Wait. What?
