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“Rori?” I don’t know anyone by that name.

“I’m sorry. You knew me as Aurora.”

“Aurora Russo?” I breathe out her name as a question. How did the young girl I used to playMario Kartwith turn into the beautiful woman in front of me?

“Yep, but now I prefer to be called Rori.”

“It’s great to see you, Rori.”

“I wish it were under better circumstances,” she says. Smiling, I hold out my arms and she steps into my hug. I’m careful not to make contact with any of her road rash as I draw her small frame closer. When we part, I can’t stop staring at her, and I for sure can’t wrap my brain around the fact that she’s a grown woman. If my recollection is correct, she was ten when I dated her sister, so that would mean she’s around twenty-two. Talk about surreal.

The last time I saw her, she was round cheeked with a mouth full of braces. The only traces of that little girl I can find are the thick-lashed golden brown eyes staring up at me. The braces are long gone, leaving her with a straight, even smile framed by full pink lips. She’s beautiful.

“Do you want me to bring you to the emergency room?”

“God, no. I’m a little banged up but nothing bad enough to warrant seeing a doctor.”

“How about I give you a ride home?”

She takes a few tentative steps in place and I can tell she’s in pain. “As much as I hate to cut my run short, I think I better take you up on that offer.”

“Come on.” I extend my arm. She wraps her hand around the inside of my elbow and we carefully walk to my truck parked curbside. I help her climb up and get situated before I go around to the driver’s side.

Turning the key, I fire the engine to life. “Where to?”

“I live about a mile that way.” She points behind us.

“Gotcha.” Pulling out, I get into the left turn lane at the red light.

“Tell me what you’ve been up to,” I say.

“Well, considering we haven’t seen each other since I was a little girl, that might be a lot of news to share in the few minutes we have.”

I smile at her. “Good point. Are you in college?”

“I recently graduated.”


“Thanks. But I can’t seem to find a job, so I’ve been waitressing.”

“Where do you work?”

“My Alibi.”

“I’ve been there before.”

“I can make enough in tips to pay my bills, which is all I need for now.”

“What did you major in?” I ask as the light turns green.

“Sport Management.”

I make the U-turn so we’re heading in the right direction. “What are you hoping to do for work?”

“Eventually, I’m hoping to become a sports agent. I’m assuming I’ll have to settle for an entry-level position at first.”

“That sounds reasonable.”
