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“I happen to think your ass is already perfect,” Kaiden says.

“My jeans that are too tight tell a different story.”

“Is it possible for women’s jeans to be too tight?” he asks.

I roll my eyes. “That’s such a guy thing to ask.”

“It’s a legitimate question, and last time I checked, I was a guy.”

“I’m curious about how you checked.”

He stretches the waistband of his basketball shorts out and peers inside. “That’s how,” he says, and we share a laugh.

When we reach the house, my legs are burning from the effort that running on the beach takes. We head straight to the kitchen and both of us drink a glass of water. He peels a banana and breaks it in two, handing me half.

“Thank you.” I take a bite.

“That was a hard run. Some potassium will do us both good.”

I wash it down with a sip of water. “Aw, you’re taking care of me.”

“Of course I am. You’re my girl.”

“You’re so sweet.”

“Only with you,” he says.

I finish the remainder of my banana and water and start up the stairs. My legs ache all the way up to my room.

I take a long shower and feel a little better by the time I get out. I’m getting dressed in a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt when my incoming text alert goes off. I snatch my phone from the dresser and see my mom’s name.

I need you to stop by today.

This is a typical text from my mom. No, “hey, how are you?” Or even if she were to add a please in the message, it would change the tone for the better.

I have to go to work later, so I’ll head over in a few minutes. With me living on Sullivan’s Island it’s no longer a quick drive to their house.

Okay. I’ll see you soon.

I brush my teeth, braid my wet hair, and put on a little makeup.

Downstairs, I find Kaiden sprawled out on the couch watching TV.

“Hey, I got a message from my mom to stop by, so I’m going to head out. I’ll go to work straight from there.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I think so. This is how she usually gets me to go over there.”

He pushes to his feet and leans down, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. “I’ll miss you.”

I smile. “I’ll miss you more. I’ll text you on my break.”

“Drive safe,” he calls out when I’m at the front door.

“I will.”

It still feels a bit surreal to be driving to and from Sullivan’s Island. Growing up, this was a place we never visited. I’ve heard it referred to as a wealthy town where the rich folk live for most of my life. It’s too close to Charleston, where we lived, to be a vacation destination for us, yet in some ways it’s always seemed like the other side of the world.
