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Stella rolls her eyes. “When isn’t she, though? I guess if you think the world revolves around you like she does, there’s a lot to be angry over.”

“Apparently so.”

“Where can I sit? I’m going to grab some takeout and I’ll have a drink while I’m waiting.”

“Oh, jeez. I thought you were coming in to say a quick hi, not sit down. Follow me.” I lead her to an empty table and take her order. Entering her order into the computer, I grab my water bottle from behind the bar. I collect Stella’s glass of wine and deliver it to her.

“Thanks.” She takes a sip and nods. “This is good.”

“Things aren’t busy now, so I’ve got a few minutes to catch up.” I climb up onto a stool across the table from her.

She props her chin on her hand. “Tell me all about you and Kaiden.”

“Starting with the big guns, huh?”

“Come on. Did you expect me not to mention the situation?”

“No.” I take a sip of water in preparation for all the talking I’m about to be doing. “We bumped into each other the day of Claudia’s party when I was running home.” I share the details of how he helped me out and then asked me to have dinner with him the next night. I tell her how I needed a place to stay and he offered up his home. And then I tell her how I’ve fallen in love with him.

“Wow, talk about a case of insta love,” Stella says, but not in a judgmental way. She’s merely stating the facts.

“Yep. For all the naysayers who don’t believe love can happen quickly, I’m proof it happens.”

“You two sound sickeningly sweet, and I love that you’ve found someone who is protective and nurturing. After Mal, I was worried you’d never give another man a chance. I’m happy you found someone worthy of you. God knows, he and Valentina were a horrible fit.”

“Were they? I was young, so I wasn’t paying attention to their relationship.”

“Trust me, I remember. They fought often and loudly. Well, Valentina was loud.” She laughs.

“When hasn’t she been?” I ask.

“Right? She has one tone—displeased.”

“Wow, you’re so right. I kind of feel bad for her sometimes. She must be so unhappy to act the way she does.”

“You’re such a softie. She’s her own worst enemy. She has so much to be happy for. If she’d only focus on the good.”

“You’re right. But Mom’s kind of the same way.”

“Ya think?” she drolls.

“How did we end up so normal?” I ask.

“I like to think I’ve been a good influence on you.” She flips her hair.

She’s not wrong. She very well could be the reason I’m not like our mom or Valentina. Stella and I have a lot in common when it comes to how we think and act.

“I think you must be. Also, Dad’s not crazy and he keeps to himself.”

“Yeah, too much so. He went in the opposite direction and barely parented us at all. Don’t get me wrong, I know he loves us, and if I’m choosing between the two of them, I’ll take Dad every time. But I think he and Mom are a bad fit, and instead of working on their relationship, he’s always let her have her way. Ignoring her behavior is easier than confronting her.”

“A lot of the time he doesn’t see what she’s doing or hear what she’s saying,” I explain.

She nods. “Right. Because his answer to Mom’s behavior is to go out to the garage and tinker with shit. He acts like if he’s not a witness to what’s happening, then it’s not happening.”

“Sounds like Leonard and Valentina,” I say, grimacing.

“History often repeats itself?” Stella adds.
