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I love you back.

The rest of my shift goes smoothly. The crowd thinned out by eleven o’clock and at last call there’s only a handful of patrons remaining.

“Where’s your boyfriend?”

I spin around toward the bar. “What’s that?” I ask the handsome thirty-something guy sitting there. He’s been here a few times lately, but I don’t know his name yet.

“Where’s your boyfriend tonight?” he asks.

Is he trying to see if I have one? Or does he know I do?

“What boyfriend would that be?” I ask, feeling him out.

“The hockey player. I’ve seen you two together here.”

Okay, now that I know he saw us, I feel better about answering.

I smile. “He’s hanging out with a buddy.”

“He must be excited for the upcoming season,” he says.

I nod as I clean up behind the bar. “Yeah, he is.”

“Hopefully they can win the big game. They came so close last season.”

“That’s the plan anyway. It’s a long season, though.”

“Yeah, it is.” He slaps some money on the bar and stands. “Have a good night.” He smiles at me.

“You too.” My smile is close-lipped and disappears as soon as he leaves. I’m ready to be done. The remaining customers filter out before I wipe down all the tables.

“You can go now,” Hailey tells me.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?” I don’t like the idea of her being here alone.

“You’re good to go. Trust me, I’ll be fine. Teddy’s still cleaning up too.” She mentions the bar’s cook.

I give a quick wave. “Have a good night.”

“You too, Rori.”

I leave through the back door that leads out to the employees’ parking lot. I hate having to come out here. It’s ridiculously dark with only a single-bulbed light suspended above the door, and there are dumpsters that stink up the entire area. All the fresh air in the world can’t filter out the stench they give off.

I move toward my car, thinking about how muggy the air is. I bet a swim would feel amazing right now. Maybe I can talk Kaiden into one when I get home.

I’m reaching for the door handle when I get a cold chill all over the surface of my skin. My senses come to life and I’m immediately plunged into an overwhelming sensation of danger. I feel a bone-chilling dread and then hear a hurried shuffle of heavy footsteps behind me.

I try to turn and face whatever or whoever is coming, but I’m not quick enough.

A fiery pain erupts in the back of my head, stunning me. I’m yanked violently backward and spun around by my ponytail. I try to resist, but they’re too strong. I want to cry out for help, but it's all happening too fast.

My attacker throws me onto my back and my head smashes into the pavement. Stars erupt in front of my eyes before my vision clears and I see him standing over me with something in his hand.

He immediately swings what appears to be a piece of metal pipe down at me. I barely have time to raise my arm and try to protect myself, but it doesn't help much.

The pipe breaks the bone in my forearm as if it were nothing more than a toothpick.

“Let go.” He reaches down and snatches my purse from my grasp.
