Page 58 of Safeword: Mayday

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Kyle knew they were on treacherous ground, but this was important, so he wasn’t backing off.

He and Marcus stood just inside the doorway to her bedroom and watched her disappear into her closet.

She spoke from inside, where they couldn’t see her.

“If I’m going to consider this, I need to know that when I need some space, I can get it.”

Since Kyle had insisted he and Marcus arrive early, he explained. “I didn’t feel good about dropping you off. I know we agreed to be back in two hours, but...”

He wasn’t sure how to explain why it was so important she not be alone when she was stressed and upset.

“You didn’t want me to be alone, or you didn’t want to be away from me?” she asked.

“I felt like you were upset with me for pushing the issue.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t know, maybe a little of both. It felt important you know we’re here for you, but I also needed to know you weren’t terribly mad at me. You were so quiet after you worked with that other horse — it would help if I knew what was going through your head.”

Heather came out of the closet wearing a shirt and holding her pants. “I’m frustrated, and maybe irritated, but I’m not mad at you. I needed a few hours to myself, is all. I went through my mail and scheduled bills to pay, handled some paperwork, researched a company who wants to put me on retainer as a pilot, and took a long bath.”

She’d put her pants on while she talked, and now she looked around and then back to Kyle. “I’m not terribly attached to this place, but it’s where my stuff is, and where I go when I need to regroup. Also, I have another six months on the lease. I needed to think the possibilities through on my own, without someone talking to me.”

“And you’re frustrated that we’re here early.” He glanced at Marcus, didn’t see signs that he had something to contribute, and looked back to Heather. “I’m sorry. We can leave and come back.”

“Shit Kyle, that’s not what I meant. Don’t go — I’m just irritated that you didn’t give me the time I asked for.” She looked at Marcus, “You’re just along for the ride, I take it?”

“On some of this, I’m depending on Kyle to know you better. I’m still learning what ticks you off, what makes you happy, what frustrates you, what comforts you. I knew you were conflicted when we dropped you off, and I wished we could’ve talked more before we left you alone, too. When Kyle suggested it, I wasn’t against arriving early. He didn’t have to twist my arm. Maybe Kyle and I can sit on your patio while you finish getting ready? Or sit and watch some television?”

“What, do the two of you take turns being peacemaker? I’m not high maintenance, you don’t have to tap dance around me.” She put her hands on her hips. “We’re talking about it, let’s talk.” She walked to her bathroom and motioned for them to follow her.

This wasn’t how Kyle wanted to have this conversation, but he wasn’t going to refuse to have it now that Heather finally seemed open to talking, either.

“It’ll be at least a month, possibly two before I’m ready to actually decide anything,” Heather told them. “But I’m open to talking about it now, to discuss our options. How do the two of you see this working? I have no idea how a relationship with three people will work day-to-day, and ya’ll do.” She looked at Marcus, “If I move in with Kyle, doesn’t that leave you out? You’ll be right next door, but there’d still be a yard and walls in between us. How would that work?”

Kyle looked to Marcus, who raised a brow, which let Kyle know this one was on him, so he told Heather, “For now, you’d move in with me. Weknowyou and I are good, yes? Eventually, if things keep going so well with Marcus, and if the three of us want to be together full time, then we’d have a few options. The easiest would be for me to sell my house and the two of us move in with Marcus. His house is the biggest, and he has a dream playroom. Or, it might be better for us to both sell our houses, and the three of us find one we purchase together, with all three of our names on the title. But, in the meantime, while Marcus and I have two houses, you’d live with me, your things mostly at my house, and we’d figure out who’s sleeping where based on our schedules.”

Marcus finally spoke up to say, “You’ll have a closet at my place, and either a bathroom to call your own, or space in my master bath for your things — whichever works better for you. My housekeeper will launder whatever you leave in the hamper in your closet, and she’ll replace your toiletries and makeup before it gets too low.”

Heather finished her hair and started on her makeup. “I’m good with all of that, but like I said — nothing is going to be decided for a month or two. You should also both know I plan to make another run at Everest, which means some serious training and conditioning, as well as some time at a higher elevation in the states before I leave for Everest, which’ll likely be a three or four-month trip, probably next year.”

She glanced at them and then focused on her makeup again. “Eric’s putting another team together, and I’ve been invited. This is something I want to do, and I hope neither of you will try to hold me back.”

Kyle absolutely didn’t want her half a world away climbing a fucking mountain that people fuckingdiedon, but he knew Heather well enough to keep silent about that. He couldn’t think of anything positive to say that was also honest, but Marcus thankfully knew what to say.

“I’ll certainly miss you, and worry about you, but I understand why this is important, and a great opportunity. I’m assuming we’ll be able to talk on a regular basis while you’re gone?”

“Yes. Phone, video chat, text, and email. Arrangements can be made to bring people with me as far as base camp, but with your schedules, I know you won’t be able to come.”

It was far enough out, Kyle could probably take three weeks off work, but he held no illusions about being able to manage an overseas flight, much less the final plane ride to Tibet. He hated that he was such a baby about flying, but rather than say something, he turned and left. He made it to the living room and didn’t know what to do, so he sat and turned the television on.

He’d wanted to talk to her about their threesome, about how they could cement their relationship, spend more time together. About taking the next steps.

And Heather’s response had been to tell them she was going to be gone for months, doing dangerous shit that might kill her so she never came home.

* * * *

Marcus had a feeling he knew why Kyle was upset, but he wasn’t going to explain it. No, that was up to Kyle.

So, when Heather looked at him in the mirror, expecting an explanation, he merely shrugged. She glared at him, rolled her eyes, and then stood and left the bathroom. Marcus followed, but once again stood in the doorway, watching from a distance.

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