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“Well, well, well. Look who decided to come crawling back to us, boys,” Dax says, getting up and slowly walking over to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and then gut checks me. “It’s been a while, Milo. What? Eight years, maybe?”

I stand straight back up and nod. “We were always brothers, but I couldn’t let me wife and child go. I’m back now, and will do whatever you need me to do, Dax. You have always had my loyalty.”

Before I ghosted Dax, I was his slinger. My job was to take the product to the drop and get the cash, but it was dangerous. Tina knew a little bit about what I did, but once she found out about the last shooting, she didn’t want me anywhere near the Pistons anymore.

“Tina should’ve never told you to bounce. She knows better,” Zane says. “They took care of her and my mother after our dad died. Our loyalty should always be to the Pistons.”

Zane isn’t one to mess with, but he did take after his father who never chose family over his brothers. It’s the thing that cost him his life and left behind his wife and children without a father.

“Tina didn’t want our daughter to go through the same bullshit y’all went through when your daddy died. Can you blame her?” I shouldn’t have said that.

Zane gets closer to me, his spit getting on my cheek. “Don’t ever act like my father didn’t do right by us. He did what he had to do. My mother couldn’t work. Learn some goddamn respect Milo, or I”ll beat you to a pulp right here. I don’t give a shit who is watching.”

Dax puts his hands up. “Woah, guys. Settle down. Milo wants to come back.”

Zane smiles. “I have just the job for him to prove that he’s ready. Want me to take him on the drop with me?”

Dax nods, and points to me. “You’re on a tight leash, so don’t think we won’t be watching your ass. Don’t do anything stupid. These guys are biting at the bit to give you an ass whoopin’.”

I keep my composure and walk out of the room without letting anyone see how fucking scared I am. It’s not about doing the drop or getting shot at, but what if Zane truly is this loyal to the Pistons? Don’t get me wrong, loyalty is good especially for Dax, but I want to break his face for talking about Tina like that. It’s his fucking sister, and he didn’t even bother to show up for the funeral.

“Milo, get the fuck over here.”

Zane is sitting at the bar, and waiting for me to come over there. He has some fresh tattoos on his shoulders, and normally that signifies taking a life in the Pistons.

“This drop goes down in an hour. You sure you are ready to be back? I won’t cut you no damn slack. And I sure will leave your ass behind if need be.”

“Damn Zane, when did you become a thug? I remember when you would run around with a fucking cape around your neck and pretend you were superman. Now you are acting like I’m an outsider and you’re the big man. Cut the bullshit.”

If Tina were here to see this, she would slap the shit out of him. Carol never wanted Zane to join the Pistons, but he wanted to be like his damn dad. That’s only going to be him killed.

The difference between him and I is there is no intention of becoming the big dog one day. Being in that position means all eyes are on you, and you are most likely to get assassinated. With great power comes sacrifice.

“Wake the fuck up. The Pistons are my family too. Hell, they are all I got left. So don’t make me out to be the bad guy. You fucking ducked out on your mom and sister. Tina would have dragged your ass out of here if she would have known.”

To be continued…
