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Girlfriends, who knew?

I decided after I got off the phone with Daisy that I need to seriously work on being a better friend. And I needed a distraction to get my mind off the moody jerk across the street, the one who was loading shrubs into the back of a small pickup truck for some lady while her teenage daughter attempted to make small talk. I felt like yelling over to her:Good luck, honey.

“Simon Wade is the hottest boy in the senior class. And no prom date, can you believe it?”

So much for a distraction.

Daisy leans across the table and grabs a fry from Sarah’s tray. “I heard a few girls asked him but he turned them down flat.”

“Shocker,” I say to no one in particular.

“I think the surly thing works for him.” Sarah looks positively dreamy-eyed. “I could put up with his grouchy attitude. I’d love to have a session with him.”

“A session?” It takes some effort to keep the contempt from my voice.

Daisy looks at me as if I’m clueless. “Amake-outsession.”

Sarah’s oblivious. “Yeah, I justknowthat boy can kiss.”

“Nope.” Daisy scrunches her nose. “Simon’s too dark for me.”

“The dark ones are the most fun.”

“And you would know this how?” Daisy teases back at Sarah.

“School is going to be such a drag when this class graduates. Think of the juniors.” Sarah holds up her hand and starts naming boys, one for each finger, while rattling off their bad traits. “And the girls…No one’s going to take me under their wing the way Skylar has.”

Daisy reaches across the table and takes Sarah’s hand in a comforting gesture. These two are pretty chummy all of a sudden. And while a part of me feels like a third wheel, I have to admit there’s something I like about Sarah. She’s light and goofy, just like Daisy. The easy way they navigate the world is something I envy.

“Defect to the dance team,” I offer, wanting to add something,anythingto the conversation.

“Yes!” Daisy leans in and grabs me around the shoulders. “Best idea ever, Charlotte!”

Sarah shakes her head. “Like hell. Cheering is easy compared to those dance routines.” She looks to me. “You’re amazing. I’d look like a bumbling idiot next to you.”

“You mean you’d look like me?” Daisy teases.

“Ohmigod, no Daisy! You’re really good too!”

Sarah laughs so hard, the soda she just sipped shoots out of her nose.

Chapter Eight


I’ve never been a big fan of daylight savings, but I flat out object to the asinine ritual in the springtime when I’m deprived an hour of much needed sleep. The one upside, longer days, means nothing to me right now. No different from yesterday, it’s pitch-black outside when I start my day. I console myself as I drive the deserted streets on my way to work, thinking I’m in for an easy morning. God willing, some of the regulars won’t remember to set their clocks forward, so the breakfast rush won’t start as early.

A girl can dream.

I run through the routine in my mind as I exit the car and walk towards the back entrance: start the coffee, fill the creamers, top off the bowls filled with single-serving packs of butter, jam and syrup.

I don’t hear footsteps on gravel until the exact moment his filthy hand clamps over my mouth and my right arm is wrenched behind my back.

“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he murmurs, all soft-spoken and kind as he turns and walks us back in the direction of my car. He jerks my arm back again, making it feel as if it’s going to separate from my shoulder when I try in vain to kick at him. “Open the door,” he commands, voice low and menacing. My free hand shakes violently as I rifle through the contents of my bag feeling for the keys. “Open it,” he whispers encouragement, switching tack again, using a tone meant to persuade and deceive me. He wants me to believe the awful thing that’s happening isn’t actually happening.

“Get offa her!”

My face slams into the door as the man’s body is hit from behind. The attack is weak, though, merely knocking the man off balance rather than taking him down.

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