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“South Carolina.”

“What was her reaction to the big news?”

“I haven’t told her yet, ma’am. I was hoping Ethan could do a video chat with me when I tell her this weekend. The last time I was up here, well, there was a lot going on.”

“First off, call me Barbara.”

“Okay, Barbara.”

“How do you think she’ll react?”

“I can’t be sure, but I’m guessing she’ll see things in a positive light.”

“I’d imagine finding out she has a three-year-old grandchild will come as quite a shock. Are you concerned about that?”

We blew past question number twenty a long time ago. Babsisstarting to wear on me but I do my best to stay neutral. “My mother raised three boys on her own, so she’s pretty tough. I think she’ll be able to handle the shock.” I look over to where Ethan is playing with the older boys and smile. “I did.”

“So you believe she’ll react well because you have.”

“I'm losing count. You’ve used reframing on me, thrown a little DBT in there with the distress tolerance thing, and now Roger’s restatement technique. You social workers are skilled at getting people to spill their guts. Lawyers and cops should get the same kind of training.”

She’s delighted for some reason. “You’ve been in therapy?”

“Court mandated only.” I’m quick to amend, “During my brother’s incarceration,” because while my initial impulse is to screw with her, I really don’t want this woman to think poorly of me.

“Yes, Charlotte told me about your past. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you think—”

“Enough, Barbara,” Charlotte cuts in. “Will you give the poor guy a break already?”

“You’re right, you’re right.” Looking back to me, she apologizes, “Forgive me, Simon. It’s just that you’ve been this mystery entity for so long, and now...Well, you’re here. I’m sorry about all the questions. Comes with my territory.”

Charlotte reaches over, setting napkins and plates out for lunch. “Yeah, you’re making me rethink my career choice.”

“Not happening! The staff at MCU is counting on you to take over when I retire.” It sounds like she’s only half joking.

“Come inside and help me get everything ready.”

I jump up first. “I’ll help you.”

Charlotte slumps into a chair once we’re inside. “Sorry about that. Maybe I should have held off on having you come up here this weekend.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. I would have been disappointed. And I like Barbara. She does ask a shit ton of questions, but her heart is in the right place.”

“Here, take this out,” she says, handing me a bowl of fruit salad. “Her boys are so good to Ethan, aren’t they?”

“Yeah. I feel like I’ve been tossed to the side, though. The old man’s no fun compared to the two tree climbing wonders out there.”

“Never,” she reassures me, placing a few serving spoons into my free hand.

I turn back to her and whisper, “I don’t know about a love connection between her and Lawrence, though. I think you’re way off base on that one.”

“Maybe you were right, it is too soon.”

Setting the food out for lunch, I’m struck by the realization that the weekend is flying by at warp speed. I haven’t had much in terms of one-on-one time with Ethan. I feel cheated, but at the same time I love seeing my son so happy. The boys stayed over last night, and it was adorable watching as Ethan tried his best to imitate everything the older kids did. And Barbara’s boys were great with him, including him in everything. Patient and kind, much like their mother, I suppose.
