Page 16 of All Your Life

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Only one way to find out, I decide, and after a greasy bacon and egg breakfast, I head over to the stable in my sweats and a hoodie. I don’t have the energy to put on my riding clothes, and I have no intention riding today anyway.

But he’s not there. He’s not there when I pop in after school on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday either. It takes an iron will to keep myself from asking Mr. Murphy where Liam has been every single day I go without a sighting. I even arrange to meet my parents at the club for a casual dinner on Thursday night, but strike out there as well.

By Friday I’m depleted of any remaining will power or pride. I have my back to Mr. Murphy, trying to sound as casual as possible when I say, “Haven’t seen Liam around lately...Is he back to just working in the dining room?”

My body stiffens and my hand stalls mid-brushstroke when he responds, “Aw, you’ve been looking for me?”

Deep calming breath. “I just haven’t seen you around. I was wondering...”

“What exactly were you wondering?”

I can’t tell if he’s teasing me or not. Liam is never playful from what I’ve witnessed, and when I turn to face him, the cold look he’s shooting my way confirms that this is not a friendly line of questioning.

“I wasn’t wondering anything. Forget it.”

“Consider yourself forgotten.”

When I start laughing, and I mean belly-laughing, he’s taken off guard. “Oh-kay. Did you forget to take your meds this morning, Sarah?”

I nod and slap my own forehead. “Yeah, forgot my happy pills today, but you obviously didn’t.” I laugh, adding, “You’re the same old barrel of monkeys you always are.”

“Barrel of monkeys?”

“Barrel of monkeys, barrel of laughs...You know, easygoing and fun. That’s you.”

“Oh, that’s me?” He moves into the stall and stands within a foot of me, forcing me to take a small step back. “Maybe it’s this place and the people. Did you ever consider that maybe it’s impossible to be happy when I’m surrounded by people like you?” I can’t do anything but swallow down my discomfort and wait because he’s clearly not finished. “I can’t act as well as you do. I can’t dance around like an idiot and pretend. But I have to hand it to you, you’ve got skills. Did you have to ice your cheeks from faking that smile so hard last weekend? Looked like a workout.”

“You’re an asshole.” I can feel my cheeks heat when he cracks a smile. “Is it so hard to believe that Iwashappy? Maybeyoulike to stomp around and brood all day, and maybe you don’t have any friends or anything to be happy about, but I do.”

He still hasn’t moved, and he doesn’t shift his eyes away from mine. “Whatever you say, Princess.”

“Call the rich girl a princess. That’s original.” I want to slap him as much as I want him to like me, which makes me pathetic.

And just when he’s about to lob a comeback, his uncle comes into view. My Murphy glances back and forth between us once, looking concerned. “Did you workout Miss Potter’s horse yet?”

With a jaw fixed like stone, he answers back, “I’m on it,” and heads to the stall across from mine.

And just to pile more onto this bitter and awkward morning, who comes strolling into what was once my private sanctuary but Parker and Logan. “Are you ready to go?”

Liam slows his steps as he leads the horse back towards the room where the saddles are stored. He’s listening, which makes me stiff with discomfort when I ask, “Ready to go where?”

Logan rolls his eyes and Parker looks mildly pissed. He probably asked me yesterday and I nodded without really knowing or caring what I was agreeing to. I’m flighty, everyone knows this. “To my house? You said you’d help set up for tonight.”

I want to ask what’s happening tonight, but I know I’ll come off like a total nutjob. “I know. I just didn’t think we needed to start this early.”

“The caretaker opened the house this morning but we need to get ice, booze...Lots to do.”

Oh, a party at his shore house. It’s all coming back to me. “Just give me five. I’ll meet you in the car.”

Parker looks at his phone as if he’s actually prepared to time me, but then takes notice as Logan approaches Liam. “Hey, I know you. You’re friends with Mike, aren’t you?” When Liam doesn’t answer right away, Logan asks, “You worked on my boat last season, am I right?”

Liam shrugs and cocks his head to the side. “Maybe.”

“No, it was definitely you. Remember, we hung out at the beach that night after you and Mike finished up?”

“Yeah,” Liam nods, slow and deliberate, “I remember now. Sailboat, right?”

Logan smiles more genuinely than I’ve ever seen him smile before. Even when I watch him interact with his closest friends or with family, Logan’s smile has a snake-like quality. “I saw Mike last week. He came over to hang out.” Liam looks like he’s trying to smile back but just can’t fake any enthusiasm whatsoever. And Logan is eager, damn near fawning when he says, “You and Mike should come tonight.” When Liam doesn’t answer right away, Logan adds, “Penny will definitely be there.”
