Page 37 of All Your Life

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“She deserves to sweat it out for a little while longer.”

“What happened in there? I mean, I could see she wasn’t too happy with me dropping you off, but how did it go from that to the epic quest we’re on now?”

Sarah is looking to reassure me when she says, “It has nothing to do with you,” but she’s not convincing.

I’d say it had everything to do with me. I practically jumped out of my skin when her mother banged on the window and then screeched like a banshee until Sarah got out of the car.

It's weird. They’re not biologically connected, but they do share a lot of the same mannerisms. When they were facing off in the driveway, they looked like mirror images of one another with their fingers pointed in accusation and heads cocked to the side. They don’t share any physical traits, but there are similarities that I wouldn’t dare point out to her right now.

“I overheard my parents talking once. Apparently, my grandparents didn’t think my father was good enough for my mother. Which is hilarious, being that he basically saved their house from foreclosure a few years after they were married.”

“Your father wasn’t good enough?” I laugh. “I don’t stand a chance then, do I?”

“My grandparents wanted their only daughter married off to someone from an established family, and from money, of course.”

I nod as if I’m in total agreement. “Of course.”

“My father’s star was already on the rise but they turned their nose up at him because he was from Queens, can you imagine?”

“I’ve never been to Queens.”

“My dad’s parents passed away a while ago, so we haven’t been there in years, but I used to love visiting. The area he’s from basically has every nationality represented within a square mile. They seriously have the best restaurants.”

“Do you have cousins?”

“My parents are both only children like yours truly.”

“Actually, we’re not sure if you’re an only child or not.” And I regret the words as soon as they’re spoken because Sarah goes pale as I cut the engine.

“I didn’t even consider that. Oh my God, I probably do have siblings. Shit, I can’t just crash into her life! What if her kids hate me?”

“Hold up. This is just a fact-finding mission, right? We’ll see where the road takes us. Nothing is written in stone.”

I fill up while she’s in the convenience store. Staring at my pre-paid debit card, I estimate that I’ve got around twelve hundred dollars between what’s left on here and the money stashed at my uncle’s house. I won’t be getting any more paychecks from the club, so I’ll really be missing the cash I make from the bar.

“I’ll be back for my shift on Friday, so it’s just Wednesday I need covered.” I give Sarah thejust a minutesign when she gets back in the car and goes to hand me a cup. “No, that was just some bullshit. Some assholes from the country club stole some shit for one of their house parties and tried to pin in on the staff. Wait, did someone come around asking?”

We hang up after I assure my sister that all is good and my name is cleared. Itwillbe cleared but I’m not getting into the whole story while Sarah is sitting a foot away from me looking like she’s on the verge of tears again.

“What happened?”

“Lorraine said two guys came to Dunes asking about the missing stuff and the manager told them off when they implied he was buying stolen goods.” I look to her smiling. “Guess what is not, and has never been on the menu at Dunes?”

Sarah rolls her eyes but then she’s smiling like a loon. “Lobster?”

I nod as we pull back out onto the highway. “Parker isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, is he?”

“No, but he’s got life skills for sure. He can charm and weasel his way out of many situations. Take yours, for example. He won’t get in trouble unless we take him on.”

There’s expectation in her tone, but I am so done with this. “I know what you’re thinking but you’re wrong. I’m not bowing down or backing down from him. Fighting over this is like giving oxygen to a fire, you make it more than it is, and I’m just over it.”

“I’m not going to badger you because I can kind of see you point, but I want you vindicated. I want them to apologize.”

“Who? Parker…or Mr. Thomson and the rest of the board?”

“All of them.”

“Thomson already knows he was wrong. I’d like him to apologize to my uncle but I won’t be holding my breath on that one. And Parker?He knows I think he’s a piece of shit. I’m satisfied with that.”
