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I shake my head. “You’ll never change. How the hell you managed to party so much and graduate magna cum laude, I’ll never understand.”

“Cause I’m good-looking and a freaking genius,” he laughs. “Besides, it’s not my fault that you were too hung up on Rachel that you didn’t notice all the chicks flinging themselves at you. You could have easily partied just as hard.”

I gesture expansively at the office. “Which one of us runs a billion-dollar company before age thirty? And who’s working for whom?” I cup my hand around my ear and lean forward. “What’s that? I couldn’t quite hear ya, buddy.”

“Fuck you, asshole.” Parker laughs again.

I grin. “That’s what I thought.”

We both turn at the light tap on my door. I look up to see Hiroko standing in the doorway. I motion for him to come in.

“Hey, Hiroko, what’s up?” I say.

“You told me to swing by when I had a minute,” the young software designer says nervously. “This a good time?”

“Yeah, have a seat.”

“Hey, Parker,” Hiroko says as folds himself into the seat next to him.

“You doing all right?” Parker says.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Hiroko shifts around in the seat like he can’t get comfortable.

“Good, good,” I say. Maybe cutting straight to the chase will help the poor guy relax. “You’ve been staying close to the Zelster operating system project, right?”

“Yes, but,” he says, shaking his head, “Steve’s running that thing. I haven’t really been able to get my hands on it.”

I nod. “You were at this morning’s status meeting, so you heard the directive I gave him.”

He nods so hard his hair flops around. “You want a flawless prototype by Friday.”

“Right. And I just heard Steve left the office earlier this afternoon claiming he’s coming down with something.”

Hiroko looks away, smirking. He’s clearly caught on to where I’m headed with this.

“So, nothing’s going to be official until Friday rolls around,” I say, “but I want you to be able to pounce on it. I’m counting on you to deliver.”

The designer breaks into a grin. “I won’t disappoint you, sir.”

I give him a small smile in return. “I know you won’t. And for heaven’s sakes, I’m only four years older than you. Call me Rhence.”

Hiroko’s grin spreads a little wider. “Yes, sir… I-I mean, Rhence.”

“All right, now,” Parker says in a jocular tone, “quick slacking off and get back to work.”

Hiroko hops up. “Yep, breaks over,” he answers as he makes his way to the door. He turns back and adds, “Thanks again, Rhence.”

“Deliver the project. That’s all the thanks I need,” I tell him.

He gives me a thumbs up before dashing out the door.

Parker chuckles. “You just made his day.”

“That kid is smart and hungry. He’ll get it done.” I check my schedule. “Speaking of slacking off… Do you need something to do?”

Parker gives me the finger but stands.

“I have the call with the London sales team,” I say, pointing to Gladys at the door who was probably just about to remind me of the same. “You want to sit in on it?” I offer.
