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Chapter fourteen


It’sbeenthreeweekssince Rachel and I reunited. Every day I bounce between my burning need for revenge and my growing need to forgive Rachel and surrender to the possibility of a future with her. It’s astounding how genuine her feelings for me appear to be. It feels as real as it did back in high school.

And then that fucking letter!

The really strange thing is – Rachel has referenced the letter on occasion. She’s asked if I kept the letter. How did it make me feel? Did it give me something tantalizing to dream about at night?

I stared at her dumbfounded and wondered if she were schizophrenic. All the while, she has this sly grin on her face like some sick, demented sadist. How the fuck does she think her poisoned letter made me feel? I want so badly to forgive Rachel and grasp this chance at happiness, but then I recall those little psychotic moments. It takes everything in me not to erupt in rage. Instead, I pour that energy into my plan for revenge.

I only wish I knew how to stop my heart from falling again, for craving her so badly my eyes burn with tears. How can I trust her?


As my car rolls down the driveway to the Bradly’s home my whole body reverberates with the pounding of my heart. I’ve waited ten long years to be invited as a welcome guest to their stately home, to be looked upon as a desirable suitor for their daughter. All the old memories of me hiding out in the bushes, waiting for the Bradly’s to leave so I could see Rachel, come rushing back. I shake the vivid recollections from my head lest they completely undermine my fragile confidence.

I immediately glimpse the three of them standing in the open doorway. Rachel waves enthusiastically and comes running down the steps to greet me. I switch off the ignition, grab the bottle of wine and bouquet of flowers and climb out of the car with as much couth as I can manage under the circumstances.

“One hundred points for making it this far,” Rachel says and throws her arms around me. “Don’t worry,” she whispers in my ear. “They’re just as eager to make this happen. So just relax.”

“Easy for you to say.” I glance up at the Bradlys and return Dr. Bradly’s smile. Rachel’s father’s expression remains neutral as if he’s reserving judgment. Fair enough.

My legs are a little wobbly as I approach the grand stairway flanked by tall white columns I never really noticed before and that’s when it hits me that I’ve never entered their home through the front door. As if sensing my unease, Rachel gives my arm a reassuring squeeze.

Through gritted teeth, she says, “You got this, babe.”

Together we ascend the stairs.

“Welcome, Rhence,” Dr. Bradly says magnanimously. I almost look behind me wondering if she’s speaking to someone else. Nope, it’s me.

“Thank you, Dr. Bradly,” I say, handing her the flowers and an expensive bottle of chardonnay. “I’m happy to be here.” I turn to Mr. Bradly and extend my hand. “Thank you for having me, sir.”

He hesitates for the briefest of seconds, just enough to cause perspiration to break out on my brow. But then the corner of his mouth hitches up and he grips my hand firmly. “Come on in, Rhence.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and enter behind Rachel. The foyer and great room are a bit of a blur as I glance about the surroundings on our way to the grand kitchen.

“Rhence, what can I offer you to drink?” Dr. Bradly asks gesturing at an array of beverages on the granite countertop. I glimpse the open bottle of Köstritzer beer on the bar next to Mr. Bradly.

I grin. “I’ll have what he’s having.”

Mr. Bradly chuckles softly and raises his bottle. “Ah, good taste.”

“I’ll have one as well,” Rachel says as her mom opens a bottle for me. Dr. Bradly gives her daughter a mild look of chastisement.

“How about this lovely sauvignon Blanc, dear?”

Rachel shoots a look at me. I give her a choose your battles wisely shrug.

“Sure, mom,” Rachel acquiesces.

“You simply must try some of this brie,” Helen says, gesturing at the elaborate charcuterie board. “I had it flown in from France.”

I hitch a brow in response. Was all this for my benefit? My, the respect a few billion dollars will buy you. I mentally eject the thought, I’m here to make peace not fuel old grudges.

We make small talk about the seasonable weather and the beautiful view of the lake that we can see from the kitchen. But there is still the conspicuous elephant in the room that needs to be addressed.

I take a deep breath and give them a self-deprecating smile. “Mr. and Mrs. Bradly, I just want to thank you so much for this opportunity to start fresh. I know that the way we met the first time had to be very alarming and distressful to you.” I chuckle. “I know it was for me.” I clear my throat and look into their expectant eyes. “I want to apologize for being so disrespectful and for dishonoring your daughter and your home that way. I was a stupid teenage boy, but I should’ve known better.” I nod, seeing the understanding in Mr. Bradly’s pale blue eyes. “Please forgive me and accept my humble apology.”
