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“Game on,” he says in a suggestive tone.

“The game’s been on,” Rhence says mockingly. “Where’ve you been?”

Parker’s still looking at Eliza. “I’ve been a little distracted…but now the gloves are coming off and I’m taking no prisoners.”

Rhence snorts. “Just deal the cards so I can go ahead and win this thing.” He winks at me and I know we’re thinking the exact same thing. It’s been a real hoot hanging out with Parker and Eliza this evening, but now we’re very much wanting some alone time.

Parker deals the cards all the while talking trash about how he’s the reigning champ and that there’s no way Rhence is going to win. I’m trying to focus on my own hand, determined to shut them both up by trumping them all. That will be quite the challenge given the lousy hand I was dealt.

Sure enough, a few minutes into this round, Eliza is laying down her cards demonstrating a perfect Phase 10. Rhence and I both groan our disappointment as she jumps up to do a little victory dance.

“That alone is worth it,” Parker declares as he stares entranced at Eliza shaking her bottom. “I’ll lose to you any day if I get to watch that.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Rhence says, as he hauls himself up and extends a hand to me. “Stack Eliza’s hand with the wild cards. Smooth move, Park.”

Parker scoffs as he rises, “Such a sore loser, it’s sad, man. Really sad.”

“Hey door, meet Parker,” Rhence laughs as he points to the exit.

“Yeah, we can take a hint,” Eliza says giddily still high on her win.

“Hey you guys, this was so much fun,” I add to soften Rhence’s not so subtle push for them to leave. “Next time we’ll play Sequence, me and Eliza against you two.”

Eliza raises her hand to high five me. “It is so on. I love that game.”

“No way,” Rhence objects and looks at me. “You’re going to be my partner, because I don’t trust that guy. He’ll throw the game just to watch her dance again.”

We all laugh as we begin gathering up the cards and clearing away the beer bottles and snacks. I suggest dinner at Fahrenheit next Saturday night. Parker and Eliza exchange glances, checking in with each other as couples do. Rhence smirks at me, getting a real kick out of seeing Parker finally settle into one woman.

“We’ll be there,” Eliza says, smiling at Parker as she pulls her coat on.

“All right,” Rhence replies, clapping Parker on the shoulder. “You kids go play, mommy and daddy need some alone time.”

“Rhence,” I laugh, smacking his arm. I give Eliza and Parker a hug before bidding them good night.

Chapter sixteen


It’sThursdayafternoon,Isit at my desk at work catching up on emails. I open the one from Parker regarding debt extinguishment. He’s informing me that our initial startup loan of $15 million from Sundries Inc has been fully repaid. He gloats that only three years in, we managed to pay back our initial investor with interest.Highinterest, he’s so fond of telling he could have negotiated far better terms. He has no idea that’s what men like Mark Medici commonly charge to loan out money. And now as a key shareholder, Medici still has a 10% stake in the company. He will continue to be paid, before all others.

I haven’t aided in cooking his books for years, but my company will always feel tainted by the mob money that initially funded it. And some day, I fear he’ll come knocking for a safe place to launder billions of dollars. He’s laughed off my concerns in the past, claiming it will never happen, but I know better.

It’s about 5:30 p.m. when Gladys knocks on my door, a rather dubious expression on her face. “Rachel is here to see you. Is this a good time?” she asks as a formality. I told her that Rachel has free reign here.

I motion to send her in. Rachel strolls in wearing a full-length coat that’s inappropriate for this time of year. I’m a few seconds in figuring it out.

“Hi, babe,” she says as she sashays over, untying the belt at her waist. “You’ve been working so hard and looked so down that I thought I would come,” she removes her coat to reveal her high school cheerleading uniform, “cheer you up! One, two, three, four, who’s the man that I adore? Goooo, Rhence!” She leaps into the air to perform a perfect series of cheerleading jumps in quick succession—a tuck, herkie, stag and toe touch.

Astounded, I stand and applaud enthusiastically. After a decade, the sexy little uniform still fits, and she moves like the consummate little athlete she is. I’m duly impressed, even more so than when she performed these moves at the football games.

“See,” she says, arms spread out. “I’ve still got it.”

“Never doubted it for a second,” I say, coming around the desk to give her a hug. “Damn, babe, that was amazing.” I take a step back to admire her. “And you still look smoking hot in this.”

“Really?” she gives me a naughty grin that nearly buckles my knees. “Do you have fifteen or twenty minutes to spear me, I mean spare me?” She’s already heading over to the door and locks it.

A chuckle rumbles through me. “I think we’re going to need at least an hour to do this right.” I make my way over to her, but she pushes me away.
