Page 59 of Wild Horses

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She’d read enough books to know what was supposed to happen at the climax of a sex act but she’d never imagined it to be so intense. She lifted her hips, dug her heels into the ground reaching for more contact with his hand even though he hadn’t moved away from her.

He kissed a fiery trail up her throat before taking her mouth again in a slow, lingering kiss that did crazy things to her pulse. When he pulled away, he said, “Do you want me to stop?”

Those wicked fingers were still doing their magic between her legs and she swallowed to moisten her throat and grabbed his head with both hands. “I’ll kill you if you do.”

He chuckled as she pulled him into another kiss and held him there until she had to break away to breathe. Something heated passed behind his eyes before he kissed her again, his tongue diving deep.

He reached further into her trousers, a lone finger sliding inside of her as the heel of his hand pushed against that bundle of nerves. She gasped and opened her eyes, watching him stare down at her.

“Let it come.”

The words were magic. The moment he said them, she felt it. Heat raced through her veins, every muscle in her body clenched tight and a raw scream crawled up her throat. He clamped his mouth across hers and caught it, her hips riding his hand uncontrollably until her body stopped convulsing.

When she’d calmed, he pressed soft kisses against her lips until she felt drugged.

He removed his hand from her trousers and fastened them, then buttoned her shirt as she laid there trying to catch her breath. He moved away when he’d righted her clothes.

Alex looked over at him. He was on his back, hands once again crossed over his stomach, his eyes closed.

A quick look down the line of his body showed he was aroused, his erection straining against the material of his trousers.

She didn’t know much about men but she couldn’t imagine they’d go to the trouble of pleasuring a woman without expecting the same in return but there he lay, eyes closed as if he were ready to sleep.

She watched him for long moments before staring at the bottom of the wagon. The past few minutes flashed back across her mind’s eye. Had she done something to make him turn away?

No, she hadn’t said much of anything. Truth be known, she hadn’t been able to. Had she done something wrong, somehow? “Is that it?”

His eyes opened, his chest rising as he inhaled a deep breath. “That’s it. You proved your point. You’re not afraid of me.” He looked over at her and raised one eyebrow. “Of course, for all I know, you could have been that friendly with Hugh Jacobs, too.”

She gasped and lunged for him, her fist connecting with the solid muscle of his chest before he grabbed her and pulled her to lay on top of him. He grinned and wrapped one strong arm around her waist, the other clamped across the back of her head.

She wiggled to try and break his hold, the hard ridge of his erection digging into her hip. She froze, her eyes widening.

“I wouldn’t suggest wiggling like that too much. Now that I know you’re not afraid of me, I may be willing to see how far we can go before one of those nosey cowboys takes a notion to see why it’s so quiet under here.”

“As if I’d let you bed me under a wagon on dew soaked grass.”

He pulled her head down, his breath warm against her lips. “Your lily-white ass won’t get a smidgen of dirt on it. I can take you from where you’re at right now.”

Her pulse leaped. “You wish.” She squirmed until he let go of her and she was able to roll off of him. “Half of those cowboys probably already know what we just did.”

“I don’t think they know any specifics but you can bet their imagination is conjuring all sorts of visuals.”

She fell back to the ground, thoughts of what those cowboys imagined was going on under the wagon playing on repeat inside her head. She groaned and closed her eyes. How could she show her face in the morning when they all thought she was under here, butt naked while Jesse rutted around like…

“Stop thinking about it.”

His voice cleared her head. “Easier said than done.”

“Regardless of what did or didn’t happen under here, they’ll think all sorts of things. They’re men. It’s just how a man’s brain works. We spend most of the day thinking about sex and how soon it’ll be before we can get it again.”


He grinned. “Really. Now go to sleep and stop worrying about those other cowboys. They’ll think what they want regardless of what we’re doing.”

Alex knew he was right but it didn’t ease her mind any. It would be hard to look at them come morning, especially after what actually did happen between her and Jesse.

She still couldn’t believe she’d let him touch her the way he did. She hadn’t even tried to stop him but it had felt too nice, her body still wonderfully numb.
