Page 57 of Nightingale

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Betsey smiled. He’d greeted her just like that every morning for ten months, three weeks and five days and she’d never tire of hearing it.

She rolled onto her back and looked up at him. His hair was sleep-tousled and it only took a look into his eyes to know what he wanted. She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him close and kissed him. His wandering hands cupped her breast over her nightgown before he broke the kiss and unbuttoned it enough to free her breasts then sucked one peeked nipple into his mouth.

Betsey sighed and lifted her arms, laying them above her head and laid there long minutes letting him do what he pleased. When he pulled her nightgown up to her waist and slid between her thighs, she wrapped her legs around his own and threw her head back as pleasure rode her limbs.

Since the day they’d returned home from San Francisco, he’dbeen right by her side and even shared the tiny bed in her room with her until the construction of their own home was complete. Now their bed was big enough for three people to lay side by side. Aaron said it gave him more room to love her in all the ways he wanted to and she wasn’t about to complain.

The bedroom windows faced the mountains, just as Aaron said they would and it only took a glance out those glass panes to see the thicket of trees they’d been married under for a second time. When they got home, Keri had been ecstatic they were married but had insisted they have a real wedding with all their friends in attendance and she was soon to find out, what her new mother-in-law wanted, she got. They’d married under a grove of trees on flower-strewn grasses and the party afterward was one she’d never forget. Tables filled with food had been set out and families had picnicked on blankets in the shade while the men drew out plans for the house they’d spend their lives in.

She hadn’t stopped smiling since.

Aaron kissed her, the rhythm of his thrust growing faster and they rode the waves of pleasure together, their breaths panted out as tiny zaps of electrical charges rushed through her veins.

When they’d caught their breath, Aaron kissed down the center of her chest to her stomach, laying a kiss above her navel before saying, “Are you all right in there?”

She laughed. “I don’t think all that jostling hurt him. He’s too small.”

He raised his eyes. “Shemay have been.”

Betsey ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her belly again, whispering words to Samuel’s brother or sister, the baby they’d tried to make the very first night in their new house. A baby that Aaron would be around to see grow and kick inside of her and witness being born.

She smiled and looked out the windows as the sun filled the room with light. Aaron finally rose and dressed, and she would never tire of seeing him in the early morning light. She watchedhim until he called her lazybones and told her to, “get up, the day was wasting.”

Betsey sat up when he stepped into the hall, listening to his footsteps as he walked into the room next door. It only took a few moments before she heard Samuel’s happy voice, babbling in those sweet baby words no one understood yet as Aaron told him she was going to fix them flapjacks with bacon and eggs, which was news to her. She’d fix it, though. She’d stand in that kitchen all day if it made them happy because just having them there made her happy.

She’d dreamed of this life for as long as she could remember—and for a time, never thought she’d have—but in all her adolescent dreams she’d never imagined the sheer amount of joy she’d feel being loved and cherished by Aaron and there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she was. He’d made all her dreams come true—even her dream to sing for crowds. He made sure they made it to town every Sunday morning and instead of singing for drunken cowboys in the saloon, she now sang hymns before the circuit preacher—who stayed in town more often than not nowadays—gave a sermon to all who came to listen to it.

She wasn’t world famous or so stinking rich she didn’t know what to do with all her money but she had more than she ever dreamed possible and more importantly, the boy she’d always loved—now loved her in return.
