Page 103 of Luxe

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The water is warm against me as he peels off the last of my clothing, and then eases my legs apart so he can wash the most intimate part of me.

And when he's done, he stands up and lightly kisses me.

The water's turned off and he reaches for a towel gently patting us dry.

"Come on."

"Where now?"

"We've washed his touch from you. Now I’m going to reclaim every part of you he ever laid his eyes on. And when you think about anyone watching you, it's going to be me."

My breath empties from my lungs and I don't know what he has in mind but my body already buzzes in anticipation.

He leads me into his walk-in closet and I look around in amazement. My father was never fashion conscious, but Nathan is about as vain as he was smart. However, even his closet would be dwarfed by this room.

Rows and rows of suits and jackets and shirts line the walls of the plush carpet floor. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors sit between each row of clothes. Down the middle of the closet runs a twenty-foot-long cushioned bench.

I follow him into the middle of the room, where he sits me down on the bench and takes a step back.

He's still wearing a drenched pair of boxers, but he's focused on me.

"Kiara, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” He presses his face against my stomach and takes in a deep breath. “Do you know that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life? That everything you do is the epitome of grace and elegance. That I am utterly mesmerized by you and everything that you say and do. And if for a second you think that a slimebag excuse for a man was worthy of you, then I hope what's about to happen is going to remind you that no one is good enough for you. Nobody. And especially not me. But my life's goal is to show you that I will do anything to make myself worthy of being with you.”

With that, he reaches for the back of my neck and pulls me to him, his lips grazing against mine, bruising both of our mouths.

Despite the anticipation of the moment building over the last ten minutes, it catches me off-guard and his mouth presses against my open mouth as I let out a gasp.

He instantly recoils. "Are you okay?"

"Don't stop."

A smile tugs at his lips as he takes me by the shoulder and spins me around, so that I'm facing the mirror dead on. I watch as his lips catch on the side of my neck, nuzzling as his hands come up to hold me around the waist.

"Tell me... in those photos, what parts of your body do you remember seeing?"

The panic from before clutches at my mind, and my body clenches in anxiety.

His voice calms me, speaking directly into my soul when he whisper, "Kiara. Stay with me. I'm here. Me.”

I breathe through the urge to flee. "Um. I was naked in one, climbing into the bath. You could see my breasts."

He nods, eyes locking on mine in the mirror as he moves both of his hands up to cup my breasts.

"He can't see you now. I'm taking back each part of you that he violated, Angel."

My nipples peak at his voice, husky against my ear, as his fingers find them, rolling them, drawing a soft exhale from me as I watch him in the mirror.

"Where else, baby?"

"In the photo of us, when you... you spanked me... you could see my ass."

His hands travel to my ass, his hands kneading the flesh, "It's my hands on you now. It’s my eyes on you. We’re going to watch you together."

My hips involuntarily push back against his hands.

A soft rumble in his chest grows to a low growl against my neck. "Remember when we did this on the dance floor in London, baby? Do you have any idea how much I wanted you that night? Do you know I went home that night, and jacked off all night imagining myself coming all over your perfect little ass. But most importantly, I touched you here before he did. I was here first. He touched what’s mine and I’m taking you back"

The memory anchors in my lungs, remembering how that night I thought I was dancing with that stranger, the whole time thinking maybe I could finally kick my Kylian addiction. And it was him the whole time.
