Page 107 of Luxe

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"Well, I blame you for making a funny joke."

"What joke?" I say, reaching over and picking up her piece of toast to take a bite.

"About the pristineness level of your bed. I bet this bed gets more use than Amsterdam on a Friday night.”

"Wrong! I haven't ever had any up here that wasn't a Baxter."

She makes a sickened face. "Ewwww."

I laugh, appreciating the quickness of her mind. "That's not what I meant and you know it. I'm telling my brothers you pick on me. They’re going to be sooo mad at you for being mean to their poor defenseless baby brother." I punish her by eating the rest of the piece of toast on her plate. She's not worried, there's a whole tray of food in the middle of the bed that she can choose to eat instead, and after a second of considering, she chooses a small glass jar of yogurt.

The way she tears the lid off, licks the yogurt stuck on the lid, and then folds the foil into perfectly equal fourths before putting it on the edge of the tray thrills me. Just as every little thing she does. It doesn't have to be sexual, just mundane, everyday things, I could just sit and watch her doing them all day.

I grab a spoon and hold it out to her, but just as she reaches for it, I dip it into the yogurt and then deliver it straight to my mouth while she squeals.

"Hey! That was mine. Food stealer!! Who would've thought that 'Blond Billionaire Bachelor Kylian Baxter’ would steal a poor starving woman's food!" She says 'Blond Billionaire Bachelor Kylian Baxter' like she's reading a headline off a newspaper, which is where she saw it in the first place. She hasn't let me live it down yet.

"I suddenly don't feel so bad about stealing your food. Anyway, I can't help it, you make it look so delicious." I wink and she blushes as she giggles like a school girl. I try not to think about how she was just a school girl when I first met her. That and my best friend’s sister. It’s better to not think about that right now.

The jar clatters on the tray once she finishes it, and she grabs the basket of strawberries and moves on the bed so that she's leaning back against me between my legs.

"Hmm, yum. Thank you," I mumble as she reaches back and feeds a strawberry into my mouth.

Another strawberry gets closely examined and then popped into her mouth.

"That's one lucky strawberry," I say, the words muffled as I nuzzle against her neck.

She smells like... Kiara. I don't know how else to describe it. Fresh and natural. Like the air after a summer rain.

"Want another one?" she asks, turning and dropping a kiss to my cheek.

"I'm good. I already ate some toast and yogurt."

She splutters and shoves another strawberry into my mouth as punishment. Too bad, I'm still chewing the last strawberry and I almost choke.

"Kiki! You almost killed me. Can you imagine the headlines if my body was found sprawled out on my bed by my cleaner?"

"Yes. 'Blonde Billionaire Bachelor Kylian Baxter Found Dead Wearing a Pair of Lacy Underwear.’"

"Wow.” I force myself to sound hurt, but I don’t think she’s falling for it. Is that the thanks I get for making this delicious spread for you?"

"That you ate!"

I grin. "It was delicious." My lips brush her ear as she protests. "As are you, my sweet angel."

I reach over and grab the tray off the bed and put it on the floor nearby as she wriggles against me, getting comfortable, with room now to spread her legs.

She grabs my arms, pulls them tightly around her, and closes her eyes.

"Kiara sleepy," she says, her voice already fading.

"Kiara should sleep, she's had a long day." The tiniest little frown flashes around her forehead and I want to kick myself for bringing it up. Luckily, she doesn't ponder it too long and soon, her face completely relaxes and her breath slows.

"My sweet, beautiful, Kiki," I murmur, running my fingers up and down the length of her upper thigh as she falls asleep. My heart wants to burst from my chest ,and the word that's too soon to say tickles my lips.

Once I'm sure she's sleeping, I grab my phone, ignoring another message from Gerald and text Frank, the head of my security detail, telling him to meet me at my office tomorrow.

There are some things I’m going to need him to help me with.
