Page 123 of Luxe

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She shakes her head, disappointment leeching into her darkened pupils. "You don't even see your privilege. I thought you were better than that, Kylian. But you're really no better than Nathan. You talk about understanding about all this, but the second it becomes a little bit hard, you bail."

"Hang on, wait a minute. I didn't say you couldn't do it anymore..."

Her eyes narrow. "Just try it, go on. Just try telling me I can't do this."

I take a step back, hoping that putting some space between us will help calm her down. "I just meant you have to be more careful. We were underprepared today. I don't know what would've happened if we didn’t have my body guards."

The bombshell drops and she stares at me. "Why did you have bodyguards here?"

“I asked Frank to have some guards follow us tonight. I thought you might need some help. And you did."

"And when were you going to tell me this?"

"When you needed to know."

She wraps her arms around herself, rubbing her palms up and down her bare arms. "I can't believe you. You are all the fucking same, thinking that I can't make any decisions for myself. I built this agency on my own, without any of your help. With these two hands.” She waves her hands in the air. “You have no idea what it was like when we started, nor the contingencies I've put in place to get us to where we are now. You think you can just swoop in and take those decisions out of my hands? You don't trust me to run my own business. How would you feel if something did that to you?"

Everything about her in this moment makes me remember why I fell for her that first night when her car was stolen. So much strength, so much compassion, so much conviction in her work, no matter the cost. I had to respect it, hell, I had to admire it. And she was right, I’d taken all that away from her. I hadn’t come to help her if she needed it, I had come to force her to do things my way.

"Kiara. I’m sorry, that’s not what—"

She doesn’t even wait to hear what else I have to say. "At least my family doesn't pretend that they trust me and go behind my back."

She’s right. Fuck, she’s right. I had sat in her family’s kitchen, telling them to trust her, to give her a chance, and I’d gone around and done the exact opposite. Yes, she was in trouble, yes, but we should’ve had a game plan before I went in guns blazing.

But she’s not done yelling at me. "You and I... we don't get to choose who needs helping and who doesn't. Don’t you see that the girls in the worst places are the one who need the most help?"

I nod. "I do now. I'm sorry. I... just thought I was doing the right thing; I almost threw up when I saw them taking you away. I... I just wanted to get you back safe."

"The best way you can do that is involving me with your plans. Just talk to me, don't treat me like a child."

Now seems like as good a time as any to tell her what else I know. I pull an envelope out of my inside jacket pocket and hand it to her.

There's a moment of confusion on her face as she takes the folded piece of paper out of the envelope and scans the text.

And then comprehension hits and she covers her mouth, as her skin turn deathly white.

"This is…"

"It’s a summary report of what Frank found at your apartment. All the recording equipment and where they were found. They're trying to find out more. But this is what we know. He’s here illegally and he’s doing a good job of hiding his tracks. I’m sure he’s still watching you, but hopefully, it’ll be just a matter of time before he makes a mistake and we’ll get him. "

Her chest heaves, like she's about to be sick, but then her eyes read over the page again as she shakes her head.

"I don't want to deal with this right now. I’m trying to forget him."

"I know. And you don't have to deal with it. I'm dealing with it, okay? I'm dealing with it, Frank, the walking tank, and his team are dealing with it and we're going to find him. and then you're not going to have to be scared any more. But this is why I have the body guards for you."

"For me?"

"Angel, I'm not the one who needs protection right now."

The truth stings, but it’s better to know.

“Can I hold you?” I ask, needing to reassure both her and myself that she’s going to be okay.

“I… don’t know.” Her eyes beg for me though.

I take her hand and gently pull her into my embrace, stroking the side of her face, as I apologize. “"I'm sorry. I... I will talk to you more. I know what this means to you. I'm sorry I affected your way, please, forgive me.
