Page 13 of Luxe

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I hold the urge to curse the fear tactics used to exploit these poor girls. "Can you get it?"

His face is serious as he shakes his head. "No. Maybe in the morning when he's not here."

My hand finds Jimmy’s in the dark to give it a squeeze to let him know I would never want to put him in more danger than he is willing to risk himself.

"Shi Lei," I say, addressing the girl. "I don't think we can get your bag tonight. So, you can either stay here tonight and try to get it at closing time, and I'll come get you tomorrow before your shift. Or you can come with me now and Jimmy will try to get the bag later." While I prefer to take her as soon as possible, the last thing I want is for her to feel like she doesn’t have control of her own life.

"No. Miss Kiara. Please, don't leave." She stands up, unsteady on her six-inch platforms. "Please, I will go with you."

The fear emanating from her isn’t any less but now it's at the thought of having to stay.

These poor girls. Their stories are all different, what they've endured is all different, but none of their stories are invalid. And if I can help them even only one at a time, then that's what I'll do.

Making it clear I'm about to pat her on the shoulder, I reach for her, slowly. She lets me and exhales, slowly and deeply when we make contact.

"Okay, I am going to go and will be waiting for you outside in five minutes okay?" I hold up five fingers.

The clear, simple instructions seem to help. Her eyes grow wide, but she nods her understanding.

"Same place, Jimmy. Five minutes, okay?" I whisper to him as I leave, tucking a few hundred Hong Kong dollars into his pants pocket. He doesn't do this for the money, but it can't hurt. I don't know why he does it, to be honest. We've all come at this from our own different paths, and he's done nothing but show me he's to be trusted. "Be careful."

Four minutes later, I'm parked in the alleyway next to the club; the car doors are locked as I watch for the side exit to open.

Breath held.

At five minutes on the dot the door opens, and Shi Lei, leaning on Jimmy's arm, emerges. Eyes wide, pupils large, a deer in the headlights.

The car doors unlock and I jump out, running over to her.

She’s trembling in my arms, as I guide her to the car.

"Go, Jimmy. Go back inside, quickly!" I usher him. I can’t be worried about them both. I need him inside, undetected, so I can concentrate on her.

He nods and gives Shi Lei one last look before he pulls the heavy metal door closed behind him.

The horn of a passing car startles me, and I slam the passenger door a little too hard, making her jump.

"I’m sorry," I tell her, as I slide into the driver’s seat. "Are you ready?"

In the dark, I wonder if I just imagine the nod of her head, but I don’t have time to ponder on it. The gas pedal slams to the floor of the car, and we screech out of the alleyway, toward safety.

I’m barely half a block away when I feel a sudden grip on my arm.

It takes everything within me to not slam on the brakes, or sharply swerve off the road, sending us into a late-night dessert stand.

Keeping the steering wheel steady, I glance down to see Shi Lei’s hand gripping my arm so tightly; her fingers are bone white, while my forearm has already started turning purple. I flash my eyes to her face, and it’s as white as her knuckles, her teeth chattering. She’s so scared her entire nervous system must be running on nothing but pure adrenaline.

"It’s okay, Shi Lei," I say, trying to keep my voice calmer than I feel. I ease off the gas, hoping her heart beat might mirror the slower pace of the car. "It’s okay. You’re okay now. I’ll take care of you," I gently repeat.

The girl nods and sinks lower into the passenger seat, her hand still gripped around my arm.

"It won’t take us long to get to a safe place, and then you can get some rest, okay? I’ll tell you more about it when we get there. Is that okay?"

She swallows. "Y-Yes, Miss Kiara."

"Okay, good. There’s some water there on the side of the door, and some snacks. You can help yourself."

She lets go of my arm and leans her head back, letting her eyes close after a few moments.
