Page 131 of Luxe

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"What's taking so long?"

"They're doing their best. Sometimes these things take a while." I take a drink from the already-cold coffee cup in my hand. "He looked tired when I got there."

"He hasn't been sleeping."

I hiss at him under my breath. "Are you blaming me right now? Is that really the road you're choosing to take?"

Nathan turns away from me, ignoring my question.

"If anything, it was both of us, going at it. He doesn't like seeing us fight. He's always said that. We shouldn't have done it in front of him. I'm never going to forgive myself."

"Stop talking like he's gone, Kiara."

"I wasn't, I was just saying, I'll regret."

"Regrets are useless,” he snaps.

"You say that like you have done everything perfectly in your life, like you've never done anything wrong."


We look up to see Kylian standing there, face almost as pale as the white walls around him.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Nathan shouts at me.

"I texted him. He cares about Dad, too."

He scoffs and moves to another chair in the far corner of the waiting room


"Hey," he says, starting to lean in to kiss me, and then glances up at Nathan, who is trying to pretend he's not watching us, and pulls back. "Have you heard anything?"

"No. They said his vitals were all over place on the ride here. They took him into surgery and we haven't heard anything yet."

"Okay, well, hopefully you’ll hear soon. Has he been sick?"

"No," Nathan says from his seat, still not looking at Kylian.

Kylian squeezes my hand and takes a step toward Nathan.

“Er, hey man, I'm sorry your dad's not doing too well. I hope we get news soon."

Nathan doesn’t respond just stares over at me.

"Come out here for a moment," Kylian touches my elbow and guides me to an empty spot in hallway.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice low but strained.

"Oh, I don't know. I need to know what's happening."

"What happened at the house?"

I swallow. "Um, Nathan and I were fighting. We, um, we were saying some really, really horrible things. And then Dad stood up, and now that I think back, he looked a little unsteady. But then he grabbed his head and then he was just... down."

A cold frost consumes me as I remember the way he'd turned a pale green and then his face scrunched in pain as he'd passed out.
