Page 27 of Luxe

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"I'm in a hurry. Please, I’m begging you, get to the point."

He rocks back on his heels, crossing his arms. "You're in a hurry? What for?"

"For... none of your business!"

"Okay. And how are you getting there exactly?"

Shit. Running into Butthead Baxter had totally pushed the memory that I was currently car-less out of my head. "Cab."

"I can do you one better, I’m here to chauffeur you for the day."

"What?? No. Nuh uh. Absolutely fucking not." I reach into my purse for my phone.

"Good luck getting a cab, it’s morning peak time. But that’s fine. I can sit here with you until a cab comes. Don’t want you to be lonely."

I grit my teeth. He’d do it, too, I know he would. I need to get to The House before Shi Lei leaves. Once a girl leaves, it’s just that much harder to get her to come back, even if she wants to. Shame does crazy things to a person. And if I’m ever going to jump into a car with Kylian again, this is as good a reason as any.

"Fine. But not the whole day, just drive me to the apartment we went to last night. And then that’s it!"

"Yes, ma’am!" He follows me out, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a golden retriever and jogs ahead a few steps to open the car door for me. Why is he so peppy? He probably got even less sleep than I did, considering he had to drive home after dropping me off and he already looks like he’s had a whole day before he came here.

I get settled in, and notice the leather feels new but soft. The sign of the absolute top-of-the-line interior. I take another sip of the plain black coffee and curse him under my breath for knowing that once I’m out of his sight, I’ll be putting that cream and sugar into the cup.

"Ready?" he asks, sliding his sunglasses down from his head. My own reflection stares back at me, and she looks grumpy. And, frankly, ungrateful, considering he’s done nothing but help me since we ran into each other last night. I try to mold my face into a less bratty expression and take another sip of my coffee as he joins the traffic. It shouldn’t be too hard to sit and not talk for ten minutes. Unfortunately, as he’d pointed out, morning peak traffic in Hong Kong is a gridlock.

We’re surrounded by bus and car horns and people yelling. But somehow it feels even more chaotic in this car with us sitting in silence. My heart beats against my chest almost audibly. I blame being out of breath on walking the thirty feet out to the car. Hardly feasible but it was going to have to do. I don’t want to think of any other reason my body might be reacting like this.

His fingertips on the steering wheel thrum to a beat only he can hear and I realize it’s a core memory from when he used to drive Nathan and I around London all the time. What is he doing here? What was he doing there last night? What’s going on?

"Are you trying to kidnap me?" I shout surprising myself. The voices in my head must be taking over control of my mouth.

The question lingers in the air for a few seconds before he even reacts, other than the small jump when I’d startled the both of us.

"Would you like that?" he smirks.


I can’t see his eyes through the sunglasses, which is probably the only silver lining about this moment. It’s hard to concentrate when he’s looking at me with those eyes.

"Ugh, no. I guess I was just wondering what you’re doing here. You didn’t tell me why you were at the apartment last night either."

He sighs and shifts the car forward five feet and then puts the car back in neutral.

"Firstly, I came this morning because I figured you could’ve used a ride. I was actually going to leave the car for you but then… you looked so flustered I didn’t really want you driving like that."

"Thank you." The words slide out before I can stop them.

His Adam apple bobs and then there’s a tip of his head in acknowledgment.

"And last night…?" He’s better at avoiding questions than I am.

Another sigh. He should get them trademarked as his signature expression. I get the distinct impression I’m not going to like what is about to come out of his mouth.

"Last night, you said something about having set up a business. What is it exactly, can you tell me? "

The question comes out of nowhere and catches me off guard. "Why?"

"You can trust me. I just need to know…"
