Page 39 of Luxe

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And now, Kylian Baxter is about to rip it all away from me.

Before his mouth can come down to touch mine, I place my hands up against his chest and shove him so hard he’s almost three steps before he catches himself. The look of surprise on his face would’ve been a satisfying sight if I couldn’t feel the wetness between my legs, reminding me what I had let him… what I had been begging him to do to me.

My head and heart feel like they’re split right down the middle, between the elation of what just happened and complete and utter shame about what just happened. They pull in opposite directions, tearing in the middle, but it's not a clean cut, it's a jagged, splintered split, with the shards nicking the raw exposed ends where the confusion lies.

"Woah," he says, "What was that about?"

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" I shout, clutching at my arms, trying to forget that he just saw me at my most vulnerable.

He frowns. "I'm pretty sure it was clear what...'

"I mean, what did you have to do that for?"

"Because... it's what we both wanted?" Is he starting to sound a little unsure?

"Was it? Or was it just you doing what you wanted?"

"Kiki, you know that you were in that moment as much as I was." Not so unsure this time.

My mouth clamps shut. Because he's right. There isn't a single thing or single person who could've made me stop letting him touch me that way.

He nears me again, and the look in his eyes eclipses every thought, every emotion, every memory in my body so that there's nothing but the two of us standing on an empty plane, his hand about to cup my cheek.

"Do you regret what happened?" he asks, "Because all I can say is that, I'll remember that moment for the rest of my life. I've been waiting forever to taste you, Kiki. The thought of your body, hot and naked, against mine, haunts me. The sound of your soft moan is going to be the soundtrack to every single one of my fantasies from now on. And when I'm thirsty, the taste of your cum on my tongue is the thing that will quench my thirst, my thirst for you."

Every word perforates my brain like a braille paragraph, forever to be interpreted by anyone who can read my thoughts, -and that person right now is him.

"I hate you," I say, the only thing that makes sense to me, the truth since I last saw him in London.

A soft smile tugs at his lips. and he leans in, his breath carrying the soft tang of my wetness on his lips, "That's okay, I hate myself, too, for waiting so long.'"

"Why did you wait so long?" I ask, even though we both know the answer.

A darkness seeps into his pupils, and he pulls away.

The action has the effect of breaking the seal on a vacuum, and the outside world floods into the space where only he and I existed, even if it was just for a few minutes.

His hand runs through his hair, and it's like déjà vu.

We've been here before, but last time, we had the presence of mind to stop

"Nathan," we both say at the same time. We've always known what it was. Who it was.

"Kiara.” He says, sounding tortured. “Fuck…”

I sigh and nod. "I know. My brother will kill you."

He nods, staring at a spot above my shoulder as if he's picturing Nathan seeing us right now.

"So what?" I hear myself say.

His gaze drops down to meet mine. “What?"

"So what if Nathan found out? I'm an adult, I get to decide what I can or can't do... and with whom." My orgasm has apparently turned my head. I’ve lost my fucking mind.

"You know it's not that simple."

"I know. But what I'm saying is… so what? He'll get over it."
