Page 52 of Rambo

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“That man is a fucking asshole,” Knuckles says.

“Well, you and Tuhd would be expahts on all things assholes. That man theyah is the tawps of them all. I guess since I have only evah dabbled in that depahtment. But that man is an asshole we need.” Zombie adds on, and I…. I don’t know what the hell he just said.

“What the actual fuck did you just say?” Gears asks as everyone laughs, trying to decipher what the hell is coming out of the man’s mouth. His Boston accent is usually more in control, but when he gets worked up, it comes out in tidal waves, and we’re all on the sinking ship of not understanding.

“Ugh,” Knuckles runs his hands up and down his face,“he said—Well, you and Turd would be the experts on all things assholes. That man there is the top of them all. I guess since I have only ever dabbled in that department. But that man is an asshole we need.It’s not that hard, guys.”

“How the fuck do you know that’s what he said?” Sever chimes in. The guys start going back and forth, and I tune them out. My focus is on how we’re going to get Cougar out and how we’re going to stop The Company from taking any more kids from this town.


“How was church?” Audrina asks me as she wraps her arms around my waist, and I kiss the top of her head.

“It was fine. It’s hectic, but we’re getting it all figured out.”

She tilts her head up to me, and I lean down and kiss her. What was supposed to be quick turns soft and sensual, and we don’t stop until someone clears their throat. When I look up, I see Ashlynn standing in the kitchen, Willie wrapped around her from behind,“Oh, don’t stop on my account. Please, continue.”

“Come on, Sunflower, don’t tease them,” Willie says as he kisses her cheek.

“I’m not teasing. Everyone gets hot and heavy when I’m around, and then they stop. I swear, these dickholes are all teasing me.”

Willie whispers something in her ear, and her face lights up.“Oh, so, we have plans, and we, um, we gotta go. Love you, bye.” she giggles and turns to face Willie. He gives me a wink over her shoulder before they’re gone.

“That girl, I swear.” Audrina smiles and shakes her head.“She’s crazy, but I swear the women here would be completely different if it weren’t for her.”

“She brings the crazy to all of your calm.”

“That she does. Now, where were we?”

“Hmm, I wanna say somewhere around here,” I place my lips back on hers and suck her bottom lip into my mouth. Her soft moan has me start stiffening in my jeans,“Come with me.”

I pull her off the chair, and we rush through the house. I have her on the back of my bike in minutes. Once her arms are wrapped around my waist, we take off. I don’t take her on the main road. I take her through the property. Years ago, I found a little nook that gives some privacy. It only takes a few minutes to ride out there, and once there, I motion for her to get off.

I’ll admit, I’ve wanted to bring her here from the very beginning. This place is mine—where I come when I want to get away or clear my head. It’s quiet, and the animals haven’t bothered me yet anytime I sit here. So when I pull a blanket out of my saddlebag, I’m ready to answer her should she question me. I lay it out and motion for her to sit when she doesn’t.

“This is my favorite spot on the land.”

“It’s beautiful.”

I want to say the cheesyyou’re beautifulin response, but I stop myself. I sit back and admire her instead. Her skin is flawless. It’s such a creamy color, and her hair almost looks fake. She’s gorgeous and too good for me, but I’m not letting her go.

“I love you, Audrina.”

When she turns to look at me, her eyes and her smile say it all. She loves me too. While I don’t need to hear her words, I don’t dismiss them when she speaks.“I love you too.”

My hand comes up to her face, and her eyes close as she leans into my palm.“I’ll never deserve you, but I will do everything I can to try.” I lean in and kiss her lips, and her soft sigh tells me she feels the same. We’re two people that believe we aren’t good enough for the other. She doesn’t realize that she is the reason for everything I do. She’s made me a better man by being my other half. Even when she wasn’t mine, she was the better side of my coin. She’s been there for me since the beginning and has never once wavered in her support or belief in me. She’s loved me in some capacity, even if we both didn’t see it.“I want you, forever.”

When she sniffles, I lean back just enough to see she’s crying. I’ve seen enough of her tears to know these aren’t sad tears—these are happy tears. Tears that tell me that she’s in love and can’t believe that this is her life now.

I’ll spend the rest of my life showing her that I am nothing like Clint and that she’s worthy of being loved.

“Let me love you forever.”

“Yes,” she sighs,“yes.”

When my body covers hers, I show her with my mouth, hands, and eventually, my cock, how much I love her. I show her how much she means to me. Again, I say it all without words because I know she needs this. She needs to feel; she doesn’t need to be told. She needs to know that she is more than a means to get off, and I will continue to do that for her until she no longer needs it.


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