Page 62 of Rambo

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Wow. Who knew a few simple words would make me feel so much?

Pulling up to the ranch, we get the kids out of the car and make our way into the house. Audrina decided not to change, wanting to use the dress as an icebreaker. We make our way into the kitchen, and everyone’s eyes turn to us. I spare a quick glance at Ashlynn and Willie, realizing what they did for us. But before we can say anything, Dillon beats us to the punch.

“My mom and dad just got married!”

It takes a moment, but the room erupts when it registers with everyone. Congratulations are thrown out left and right as everyone gives hugs to each of us. This family of mine doesn’t even bat an eyelash at the news. They don’t question what we did; they support us. This family has shown me nothing but unconditional love, and I don’t know who I’d be if I didn’t have each and every one of them.


We are all outside. The men are gathering more lumber to build a bonfire, and the kids are with Turd looking for sticks to roast marshmallows. I am sitting at the picnic table, basking in the glow of all the love and support I didn’t understand until right now.

Kids running around, grown men acting like children, and women giggling like school girls at the whole thing. I feel the table shift a little, and there beside me is Abilene, as Butcher sits across from me. I quickly look down at my hands. I felt ashamed because I remembered what Ashlynn and Willie had said.They know.

“Well, I’ll be dipped, my ducky. Look at you getting on, being a married woman. Finally. Wouldn’t you say, my love?” Abilene looks up at Butcher, who grunts and smiles at me. He may be scary, but he has kind, fatherly eyes.

“Thank you,” I reply shyly.“Where is Aletta tonight? I haven’t seen her.”

“Oh, that girl. She is no longer talking to Ralph on the porcelain phone, that’s for darn sure, but you mind yourself. I am here for a reason. Don’t try any mind tricks on me.” I look at Abilene and try and translate what she just said to me.

“She said she’s not sick anymore, and stop trying to distract her.” Butcher mumbles to me like he can see the hamster in my brain struggling to go. I give him an appreciative smile.

“That’s what I said by the lord tundering Jeysus. Hank, go play with your brothers and let me handle this alone. Needs to only be the hens clucking here. Okay, my love?” Abilene levels Butcher with a hard eye, and he simply nods. He walks around the table, placing a kiss on my head and a quick peck on his wife’s lips.

I keep my eyes on my fingers. They’re intertwined, and I am squeezing them so tight that my knuckles are white. Abilene places her mothering hand on mine in an attempt to relax me.

“My ducky, you are fine. I remember when Hank and I were young, hell, even now. You try and keep the spice and keep the love and romance alive in new ways.” I look up at her, and my shoulders relax a little at the gentle look in her eye.“But the rule of thumb, my girl. Always know where the cameras are hidden.” Abilene pulls a flash drive from her back pocket and slides it across the table to me.

“If Ashlynn knows, who else knows?” I ask, looking to see if anyone is watching us talk.

“That girl was dropping things off for Aletta when I looked at the roll. She found out by accident. So I am sure only she and the Wee man know.” she thinks for a moment,“And most likely Bri was told as well. She would have told Cowboy, their no secrets rule, ya know. Then I‘spose he would have told Dizz.” She paused again, really contemplating.“I am almost certain there was a text sent out about it by Turd. Basically, you were fucked the second Ashlynn found out.” she winks at me,“Everyone now knows how you like it.” Abilene gives me a smile as she pats my shoulder and leaves me alone to die of mortification.

“Amour, follow me,” Nate calls to me, holding his hand out. The second my hand is in his, I forget everything but the happy butterflies that emit in my belly.

I finally got my happily ever after.

*Five months later*

Isneak my wife away from the wedding-slash-adoption party Ashlynn, and Willie tossed together. Audrina and I decided we didn’t want to celebrate the wedding until we could celebrate her legally becoming Dillon and Malika’s mom. Today is that day. While I am so happy to have them here to celebrate, finally having everyone under my roof sharing my name, I pull my woman away into the tack room. Since our night at The Butcher Shop, I’ve wanted to do something like it again. It started as something for her—to fulfill a fantasy she didn’t know she had. It turned into something bigger when I accepted that I loved it as well. I felt so alive.

Once in the tack room, I make sure there are no cameras this time. I remember Audrina’s slight embarrassment when she told me about Abilene seeing the tapes. What I remember more, though, is the fire in her eyes because she, in a way, had an audience, which was what she really wanted. I don’t close the door all the way before I shove her against the wall behind a few of the saddles. We can see the door, but they don’t have a clear view of us. The sounds she’ll make, though? There’s no stopping anyone from hearing those.

Audrina drops to her knees, and I brace myself on the wall behind me. When we hear a door slam. Her lips were just about to make contact with my cock when we hear a gruff voice.

“I don’t fucking care what that bitch has to say. I said this is getting too close. They are on to me, and I am running out of excuses! I can’t get the drugs. How the fuck am I supposed to get what they really want?” He must be on the phone as I don’t hear another voice.

“Is that—” Audrina whispers to me as she stands. I put my finger on her lips and motion for her to be quiet against my own. She nods, and I remove my hand from her and put my cock away. She stands and pushes her body against mine, almost as if she’s trying to hide.

I nod in agreement,“Now we have to make sure we get out of this spot without him knowing.”

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