Page 112 of Game, Set, Match

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‘Come on, it’s cathartic,’ said Hannah. ‘It’s about leaving all your shit here in Spain, rather than carrying it with you back to the UK.’

‘And that’s what happened to you, is it?’

‘Yep. I left Graham and Lucy and all my bad decisions in a canyon near Granada.’ She turned and gave Rob a soft smile. ‘It just took me a while to realise what I’d found instead.’

‘Same,’ said Rob.

‘Fuck’s sake, get a room, you two,’ muttered Luke. ‘Seriously, I might vom.’

‘Right,’ said Barnaby, gripping the steering wheel. ‘How does it go?’

‘Shit,’ said Hannah. ‘Really loud.’

‘Or fuck,’ Luke chipped in.

‘Shit,’ said Barnaby, popping his head out of the window for a second, like he was tossing the word out like an apple core.

‘Yeah, you need to go a LOT louder, and add some feeling,’ said Rob, holding Scrumpy back before he crawled through the gap and clambered over Barnaby so he could stick his head out too.

‘SHIIIIT,’ shouted Barnaby. ‘SHIT SHITTY SHIT.’

‘All those years of being embarrassed by my dad that I’ve missed out on?’ said Luke to Dan. ‘Totally making up for it right now.’

‘Anything else?’ said Hannah. ‘You might as well let it all out.’

‘COCK,’ shouted Barnaby. ‘COCK AND FANNY.’

Luke gave Dan a meaningful look. ‘See? Still bisexual.’

Barnaby closed the window again, plunging the car into silence.

‘How was that?’ asked Luke.

‘Good,’ said Barnaby, taking a deep breath. ‘Great, actually. Or fucking great, even. Let’s go home.’

Hannah turned to Rob, who gave her that smile again, stroking his thumb across the back of her hand in a way that make her wriggle uncomfortably in her seat. ‘You ready?’ he asked.

‘I’m ready,’ she said emphatically. ‘Definitely.’

She watched the arid landscape fly by for a few minutes, thinking about how far she’d come in the past five months. Her life with Graham felt like ancient history, and now she had a new adventure to look forward to. With Rob, who was on a journey too. Not every game in their match had played out perfectly, but there was no question they made a good team.

Final set, everything to play for, thought Hannah, wondering idly if the hotel her dad had booked in Madrid had a tennis court.
