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“No. I never considered you to be my sister. You are the woman of my dreams, Ror. I have always imagined that one day I would marry you.” He leaned forward, his breath mingling with mine.

“Could you maybe look at giving me a chance? Would you think that is possible, Ror?” he asked softly, watching me as I stared at him. He looked hopeful and terrified at once.

Could I? Did I want to take that chance? Cross that boundary with him? We couldn’t go back if I did and if it crashed and burned, I would lose the one person I trusted more than anything. But part of me wanted to try. I couldn’t deny that I had always wondered what it would be like to be with him.

I didn’t know how to answer so I leaned in slowly and kissed him.

He gasped as if I had shocked him before his other hand cupped my face gently. I brushed my lips against his, teasing, exploring until he held me still and kissed me with an intensity that took my breath away.

His tongue danced with mine as I opened to let him in, let every single wall crumble, and surrendered to the moment. To Luca. He kissed me like I was his lifeline to air, and my body came alive as I rested my hands on his chest.

I was kissing Luca. My Gianluca. The kiss turned deeper, passionate as he cupped the back of my head, holding me to him. His tongue stroked mine and his other thumb stroked the side of my face before he pulled away, gasping.

“Aurora. If I don’t stop now, I am going to take you in the car like a teenage boy who just got his dream girl.” He said with a half-smile.

“Let’s go inside.” He kissed the tip of my nose before getting out of the car, coming around to my side to open the door as I sat there, dazed and confused.

“Come on, gorgeous. You can’t sit out here all night.” He said playfully but there was a thread of tension beneath the words.

We walked inside in silence, Fabian was sitting on the couch still, playing on his phone when he looked up with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey, honey. You have school tomorrow. You should probably get to bed.” He watched me with interest before looking behind me at Luca. They seemed to communicate silently when he shrugged.

“I was already on my way. You okay Mom?” he asked as he stood and came over to hug me. He wasn’t always an affectionate kid, especially now that he was in his teenage years, and it took me by surprise.

“Yeah. Just had a bad date, that’s all. I’m good now.” I kissed his cheek, hating that he was already nearly as tall as me.

He leaned away, with a shy smile, looking between me and Luca like he knew something had happened. Would he get annoyed if I pursued this path?

“Mom. You know you are an awesome mom, and you deserve to have someone who treats you right. Stop going on dates with all those losers. The right person will come along before you know it. Good night.” He said before walking out of the room.

I stood there, not sure what to say now my twelve-year-old had given me dating advice. Sometimes I forget how smart he was and how quickly he had to grow up in our world.

“He is right, Aurora. You deserve someone who will see you as their entire world.” Luca said from behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he stepped closer, his hands on my shoulders and chest pressed against my back.

I found myself leaning into him, his warmth and the sturdiness that he had always provided in my life. This man who had been by my side for years even though the birth of Fabian when no one else was.

“Let me in, Ror. Let me be the one to show you what that looks like. You have always been my sun, the center of my world.” He brushed the hair from the nape of my neck and placed a soft, tentative kiss on my skin.

I gasped at the contact, heat flooding my body as he kneaded the muscles in my arms, coaxing me to relax against him.

“You have no idea how long I have waited to taste you, Aurora. To feel your skin beneath my lips. Please give me a chance.” His voice almost broke and I turned around, his hands falling to my waist as he looked down at me.

I searched his eyes, looking for some sign that this was a mistake but, in my heart, I knew it wasn’t. It was almost too simple, too easy.

“Hey. I can see that brain of yours ticking away. If this is too much, I can go. I can give you time to think. I won’t push you. I waited most of my life to say these words, I can wait a little longer to hear your reply.” He smiled but I saw the sadness in his eyes as he went to move away.

I grabbed the front of his shirt, holding him in place before sealing my lips to his. I should stop, and think this through, but the idea of my best friend being the one who was always meant to be mine was echoing in my head like a sign of perfection.

He sighed as he relaxed against me, cupping my face with his hand as he pulled my hips against him. It was slow, soft, and romantic in a way I hadn’t experienced in so long.

“Luca, if we do this, it will change everything.” I whispered, looking up at him with worry. He ran his thumb over my brow to smooth the frown lines away.

“No, Ror. It won’t. It will just make everything better. We don’t have to continue, we can take this slow.” He leaned down to kiss my neck again and I almost combusted at his touch. Luca was kissing me, touching me, confessing his love for me.

The lust-filled side of my brain took over as I grabbed his hand and took him to my bedroom. He stopped at the door, spinning me around to cup my face with a seriousness that I rarely saw from him.

“Are you sure, Ror? We can take our time. I don’t want to rush you.” I smiled up at him, the sweetness and the way his hands lightly shook as he touched me.
