Page 80 of For his Surrender

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“I really don’t know if you’re worse at lying or being honest...” I comment, and she leaves a kiss on my chin.

“Where were we? Huh... Yes! You were telling me why you accepted the absurd decision that forced you to marry.” I look at her, this woman can’t get enough of fucking up my mind!

“My father...” I give in, with no options. “I don’t always have attitudes he can be proud of, but Valente is his legacy, and I want to continue it. Even if, after a while, he was already aware of the impossibility of it.” Antonella smiles as if she knows something I don’t. “What?”

“Your father settled for the fact that you didn’t take the position he wanted for you for an obvious reason, Marcos… The company is not his legacy, you are!” The certainty in her voice is such that it makes me frown.

“But he worked his whole life for it...”

“He worked his whole life for you!Everything he did, everything he thought, dreamed or planned, was always for you, including the company...I know that because that’s exactly how I feel about Bella...I’d do anything for her.”

“Even getting married… With me…” I understand what she’s saying, and my heart changes pace. Damn it, Dad! She laughs softly, freeing my attention from my own thoughts.

“But this is not doing as bad as it could...” She approaches and whispers, confidently: “You’re hot!” I laugh, her hand touches my face.Fingers seep through the threads of my beard. “He loves you, Marcos...More than anything else, he loves you!Not the company, the position, or whatever you think is his legacy, he loves you!”

I shake my head, agreeing, and take a few minutes absorbing the sensation, the certainty.Antonella nestles even more in me and I hold her tighter.

“It’s easier to understand other people’s lives than ours, isn’t it?” Her head lowers, running from my gaze, but I don’t give her that option.I rest my middle and index fingers under her chin and lift her face gently. “You’re an amazing mother!And if I see that, I have no doubt that Isabella feels it...”

“Thank you...” She lays her head on my chest, I kiss your hair.A comfortable silence settles between us, and when I realize, Antonella has fallen asleep.


Antonella is on the balcony of the room, talking to Isabella, as she has done for the last two nights, and on the other side of the room, sitting on one of the sofas in the anteroom, with her cell phone in her hands, I observe her.

The hot body is covered in a long T-shirt and I’m pretty sure there’s nothing underneath it. Fuck!I’m going to miss this at home, because if there’s something I’m sure, it’s that I’m not done with Antonella.

If I wanted her before I knew her touch to exhaustion, now, there’s something much more primitive and rawer about the way I want to touch her, taste her, hear her moaning, goddamn it!Just the thoughts of her get me hard, for her.And when she tilts her head back, laughing, I shake mine, denying.

Antonella is dangerous.And if I had known that from the first moment, I would never have put her in my house, in my life, I would never have married her.I don’t think I’m capable of falling in love with anyone, but just two days in her royal company, and not with the crumbs of her personality she’d been handing me so far, were more than enough to make it clear that if I were able to really care about someone on a romantic level, Antonella would be the perfect candidate.

Lucky for me I’m not, so, everything ok! Wrong, because I’m pretty sure that despite that, the next two years will be torturing.The fact is, I just can’t imagine a day in the next 730 when I won’t want her.

Maybe a month or two from now, I’ll get used to her presence, her smell.Maybe at some point her sonic laughter will stop making me smile or her defiant gaze will stop turning me on. I may get used to living with this desire that seems to share space with the blood in my veins, but until then, I’m royally screwed.


So hot.

And wet.

So, so wet.

A moan escapes my lips while my mind is still totally engulfed by sleep, but the sensation, the sensation is too good to ignore.First, I think I am dreaming, but as my reasoning is awakened by the pleasure that passes through my body, I realize that there are no images, everything is dark, so it cannot be a dream.

A streak of light strikes my eyelids, alerting me to the fact that they are closed.I move my body, the fog of sleep no longer as dense as before, my mind already almost completely awakens.I smile, loving being woken up that way.

“God, yes…” I can only notice when I hear my own voice.Finishing the work of waking me up, a finger invades me at the same time as the warm, wet and very skillful tongue plays with my folds.I gasp and I open my eyes, completely overwhelmed by the delicious sensations and find Marcos between my legs, working on driving me crazy.

I lift my hips, rubbing myself in his mouth.The thick beard scratches my thighs, chilling me and warming me even more.Marcos moves his finger inside me, dragging my moisture out and taking it up my ass, he circles it, I shudder all over.Fuck!If this isn’t the bestGood morning!that exists, I don’t know what it is!

His tongue goes up and down my pussy, licking me from end to end without any hurry.His lips tease, instigate, suck, kiss.When the two work together, I feel like I’m going to go crazy.

“Marcos!” His name leaps out of my mouth, and that seems to make him even more determined to take away any ounce of judgment. I moan. Loud, lower, dragged and hoarse. I rub my hips in his mouth.Grinding, wanting more, much more.When he gets tired of teasing me, he finally sticks his finger up my ass, making me scream, hallucinated.

The short and continuous invasion causes burning, makes me desire more, harder, bigger, thicker and as if he were reading my thoughts, he speaks.

“Come, Antonella! Come and I’ll fuck that hot ass you got!” I push my ass back, swallowing his finger completely, far beyond the little tip he offered me.I’m grinding again, now completely filled.
