Page 82 of For his Surrender

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I snort, outraged. The doors open in our entrance hall.This time I run outside and I’m not the only one to stage a dramatic scene in Marcos’ penthouse, because before I even see Isabella’s face, I hear her hurried footsteps and suddenly I’m hit hard by a nearly four-year-old throwing herself into my arms.Nothing in the whole world has ever given me so much peace. Damn!

How do parents learn to stay away from their children? Does it get easier when they grow up?Please I hope it gets, because if that’s going to be the feeling every time I walk away, when she’s grown up and gone, I’m going to die!

“You’re here, Mommy!”

“I am.” And it’s embarrassing that my voice comes out so tearful, but it comes out.

“It’s only been three days! Stop being so dramatic!” I raise my eyes when I hear Grazi’s voice. Uh-oh! This has everything to go wrong, but now my last concern is the probable barb exchange between Marcos and my friend.

I grab Isabella on my arms, and she squeezes me with arms and legs.I sink my nose into her neck, smelling her childish scent, the best in the world, and squeeze her even tighter.

“Ouch, Mama! You’re crushing me!” Complains, and I laugh.

“Sorry…” I ask, loosening my arms.

Isabella raises her head, her eyes meet Marcos and she smiles at him so spontaneously, I feel a little jealous.I mean, three days away from me and she’s already looking away after a one-minute hug?I could be quiet, clinging to it for the rest of the day, and it’s still ten o’clock in the morning!

“Hi, Marcos!” she says excitedly, but at least she doesn’t make any movement to leave my arms.

“Hi, Bella!” Weird that he uses her nickname.I may be wrong, but I think this is the first time.

“You learned!” my daughter celebrates, and I look at Marcos interrogatively.He smiles, but gives me no answer.He approaches, leaves a kiss even more unexpected than the nickname, on Isabella’s forehead, and gets lost inside the house without even acknowledging the presence of Graziella. Damn.

“So sweet...” She mocks and I shake my head, denying it. “Hi, stranger.” My friend squeezes Isabella between us when she hugs me, and the child laughs, finding this very funny.

“Hi, Grazi!” I enjoy the hug, I missed her too. “I didn’t expect to find you here.”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Oh, Graziella! For God’s sake!” I look at her with narrowed, unbelieving eyes.

“What? Caution is never too much” she tries to justify the unjustifiable and runs her hand through her dark hair.I twist my lips and walk inside, towards my room.Marcos is not anywhere on the first floor, but in the kitchen I find Carmen.

“Welcome back, my child!”

“Thank you, Carmen!” I give her a difficult hug, since for my happiness, Isabella remains on my arms, clinging to me.I kiss my daughter’s hair, pleased by the closeness.

“We’re going to my room,” I warn.

“Do you need anything, my child?”

“No, Carmen, I have everything I need.” I squeeze Isabella, and Carmen smiles.

I leave the kitchen with Grazi by my side and walk up the stairs slowly because of the extra weight.

“It’s a nice apartment...” my friend comments, as she discovers the environments we are going through.

“Yes, it is...” I always thought it was, even when living here someday seemed as absurd as saying bananas are pink.

I open the door to my room, walk in, and Grazi comes right behind.

“What do you want to do, my love?” I ask Isabella.

“Sleep, Mommy...” she replies, giving a huge yawn, and I look to her godmother for answers, after all, it’s ten o’clock in the morning.

The smile on Graziella’s face is more than enough answer, and I groan, frustrated.Ice cream at dinner, breaks in the schedule routine, what other surprises these three days will still reveal, huh?

“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t ruin your daughter?” she asks as I lay a sleepy Isabella in my bed.
