Page 9 of For his Surrender

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Marcos Leal Valente


Witness 1


Witness 2

My eyes are fixed on the papers lined up on the small table in front of me.Holy shit.Marcos wasn’t joking, and realizing that tears me in two.The first part wants to laugh, laugh at the absurdity of the situation.The second is already very serious about how to react to all of this.

She wants to get out of this room, take the opposite path to what brought me here and say a few good things to my motherfucking boss.I mean, who does he think he is?Live off shopping?God!I really could have physically assaulted him right then and there if I didn’t need this job so badly.

I knew Marcos Valente was the perfect standard straight male, yes, I did.Countless times I witnessed his virility and stupidity.Until a week ago, when I saved him from suffocating while sleeping on his own vomit, I was so invisible to him, that more than once he would have been able to perform his sexual shenanigans before my eyes, since he did not see me.

So, yes! I thought he really was an asshole, but God!He really proposed a convenience marriage to me and not only suggested, as he said, with all the vowels, consonants, semicolons, that I would make a nice ornament.And, under the pretense of being honest, he didn’t even have the ability to hide it!

The audacity of this man!Maybe I should have let him asphyxiate after all.It would have rid the women of this world of a huge problem, though it would also have deprived them of a huge solution.God, that dick!He is the protagonist of many of my lonely nights, and that I cannot and will not deny.I didn’t ask to see it, but once I saw it, it was not only very hard to forget, it was impossible not to imagine it while playing with myself or my dildo!

Aside from the above-average salary he pays me for my work, giving me that view while leaving the bathroom carefree and naked, without even asking himself if there could be anyone else besides him walking around the house, was the only good thing Marcos Valente did for me in the eight months I worked for him.

But dick, no matter how tasty it looks, doesn’t make a man or make him decent.Therefore, despite being forced to recognize that, in a parallel universe where my boss was not as a jerk as he is, I would sit on him without thinking twice, today I wanted to slap him.I wanted to kick his balls, I wanted to kill him!I really wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, I wanted to tell him to shove his proposal up his ass, but I didn’t, because I’m anything but an idiot.

Christ, how far have I come?!

What comforts me? Knowing that I am the exact opposite of what the imbecile seeks, but his arrogance doesn’t let him see it.Sweet and submissive... a perfect ornament ...He has no idea.And that arrogance when saying I shouldn’t fall in love? God, who does he thinks he is?

What does he think I am?Because stupid wouldn’t even begin to define me if I fell in love with someone like him.But if he wasn’t smart enough to notice, I won’t be the one to shatter his illusions.Let him keep his head shoved up his ass...

The air comes out of my body in a warm blow through my lips, and alone my eyes look for the numbers in the contract.Thirty-five thousand for two years, twenty-five for life.What the fuck...At least he knows it takes a lot of money to tolerate him. But is it enough?

What about the clause about sexual consummation?How idiotic can a human being be to include this in a contract that was already beyond absurd without any help?Keep dreaming, Jerk Marcos! Keep dreaming!

“Earth to Antonella?” I look up, being brought back to reality by a hoarse voice.I blink when I realize that the room around me is empty.Great, I wasted the entire class thinking of different ways to crush my boss, or should I say fiancé’s, balls?I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a few seconds.

As I open them, I find a smiling Hugo with a raised eyebrow.He has the backpack thrown over one shoulder, one hand holding the strap and the other thrown to the side of the body.His cheap clothes are crumpled and untidy after an entire day.

The blue shirt has the sleeves folded up to the height of the elbows.Looking at him distracts me again, now, in a different way.

“Hi?” I ask.

“Did you hear anything I said?” I purse my lips, great! No.

“Not really. Sorry, I...”

“Bad day?”

“You have no idea...”

“Coppola dismissed us early, looks like he has a department meeting, what do you say we have a beer and I tell you about what you missed while you spaced out during class?” asks with the smile becoming suggestive.

I bite my lip, but I don’t need to think about it.Definitely, today I don’t want a beer, I need one.Mainly because we both know we probably won’t put a drop of beer in our mouths.A beer means a successful orgasm, even if it’s squeezed into Hugo’s small car, parked in a lonely corner of the city.

“Yea!” Hugo’s small mouth stretches in a wide smile that shows almost all of his teeth.He runs a hand through the curls that have fallen over his forehead and makes a gesture with his hand, telling me to lead the way.I throw all my stuff in my bag carelessly, I’m not in the mood and need to save what little I have for the marathon that awaits me when I get home.

There are no ceremonies.Hugo drives to the same place he always does.A dark street, two blocks before my apartment, and parks.

“Come here, baby...” he asks, leaning the driver’s seat back as much as possible, and I go, because there’s exactly what I need to relax after everything that’s happened.
