Page 21 of Doctor Black

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“Good morning, sir,” Jason greeted politely.

“Morning angels, bud. Did you all sleep well?”

“Yes, we did,” they chorused.

Zoey suddenly seemed to find cleaning the kitchen counter intriguing as she made a chore of wiping it down while avoiding my gaze. She had regrets. For some strange reason, I felt pained. Time couldn’t go any slower as the kids picked at their meals and giggled. Must be nice not to have a care in the world. No regrets from a consensual one-night stand, no awkward glances across the room.

“Would you like some breakfast, sir? There’s waffles, grapes. I could whip up an omelet.”

Okay. She was taking the ‘it didn’t happen’ approach. Deciding that playing along was probably for the best, I replied, “No. There’s no need. I’ll just have a bagel later.” Even in a baggy tee and shorts, she still managed to look elegant and beautiful.

“Alright. I’m going to go drop Jason off at school,” she grounded. I reached out and grabbed her hand. Her sweet smell enveloped my senses, stirring a pool of desire in me. I had to shake my head to regain a level of sanity and clear-headedness.

“Is that it now? You’re just going to pretend that yesterday didn’t happen? Besides, what happened to me dropping him off on my way to work? That arrangement had always worked, so what’s different?” I asked, looking into her eyes.

“Daddy, why are you holding Aunty Zoey like that? Are you fighting?” Rose asked, dropping her cutlery and rushing to our side.

“Uncle. Please don’t hurt my mom,” Jason wedged his little body between us.

I let go of her arm, and she flashed a little smile. “No, darlings. He’s not hurting me. It’s a thing that adults do when they need to talk about something serious,” she explained to the kids, who listened with keen interest.

“It’s just like how you girls pull Jason when you find something interesting and want to show it to him,” I added in a tone that I hoped was convincing enough. I saw Jason visibly relax and exhale a relieved sigh. “Will you kids run along and go sneak in some playtime while I have a quick discussion with Aunty Zoey?”

“But I’ll be late for school,” Jason protested.

“Baby, it will only take a minute.”

“Yeah, bud. I’ll drop you off in time. I promise.”

The kids happily skipped out of the room. I turned to her and wondered what to say to dispel the strange silence between us. Her ocean eyes flared at me before I could even form a sentence. “Why are you mad at me?”

“I’m not. You’re my boss. I’m pretty sure that gives you immunity to my anger,” she sneered. “See, there’s no point making a big deal. Yesterday was a mistake. We wanted each other, and we had a night of splendid consensual fuckery. That is all it was, and now it’s done, so just let it go. Okay?”

“You know what? You are right. It was a mistake. That’s all it was,” I blurted. “If our little arrangement will work, then we have to draw the lines. If you don’t mind, I would like to do the whole formality and paperwork now and get it over with.”

“Paperwork? What paperwork?”

“Our arrangement is a contract. Simply a contract. And like all of my other contracts, l do not want to take any chances. I had my lawyer draw a contract up."

"How? I only just agreed yesterday."

"I have my ways. If you’ll come with me, it’s in my study. You can read through, and if it works for you, then we proceed,” I explained.

“So, what happens if I don’t agree to some or all of your conditions?” she asked, giving me a defiant look.

I shrugged. “I’ll have them draw another.”

“I want it in writing, in your hand.”

“Deal. Will you please come with me then? The earlier we get this over with, the earlier we can get back to our real lives.”

She wiped her hand on a dish towel and huffed. “After you.”

When we made it to the privacy of the office, I got down to business. “In order to make it believable and also to keep them off my back for a while, we need to stay married long enough.”

“How long is long enough?”

“I guess you could say, till the girls can get by themselves. So, five years?”
