Page 12 of Venom and Lace

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We danced for three songs straight without stopping. He leaned in close to me, but never close enough to where I felt unsafe. He smelled good, like rich cologne and sweat, and the heat from his body so close to mine was making me think very bad thoughts. He was being respectful, though, and I would have been lying if I said it wasn’t a turn-on. I turned my back to him and pressed against his chest, moving my hips in slow circles. Sweat dripped down my body, and the sensation was freeing. He let his hands rest on the sides of my waist as I ground slowly against him.

I didn’t know if it was the sexy music, or his hard body pressed against mine, or even the adrenaline from earlier, but I decided I wanted more. I grabbed his hands and slid them around my stomach and pushed my ass into him. He growled softly in my ear, and that was all the encouragement I needed to continue. I lifted my arms up and behind me, running my fingers through his hair as I swayed my hips. His cock pressed firm against my ass, and my lips parted at the sensation. It had been so long since I had felt this kind of sexual charge, and I would not let the moment pass. He gripped me tight, his body hard against mine.

When I moved his hand lower down my stomach, he spun me around in his arms to face him and I gasped. He tilted his head to the side and watched me through the covered eyes of his mask. I bit my bottom lip and waited for him to say something. Anything. The music seemed to drown and fade as I stared at him. If I was about to get rejected, I might just stay a born-again virgin forever.

He nodded his head toward the third floor and held his hand out again.

“Yes.” I nodded and let him lead me through the crowd of people and up the stairs. His men stood at the top like a pyramid on the stairs, guarding the door. They moved to the side in unison, and he tugged me inside and shut the door. I followed him down a walkway that overlooked the entire club, then down a carpeted hallway and into a pitch-black room. When he turned the lights on, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding in.

He led me towards a bar against the back wall, where there was an assortment of liquor bottles. He released my hand and rummaged inside of a small refrigerator. My palms were sweating, and not just from the dancing. I wiped them down on my shorts and leaned against the bar top. He came back around and handed me a bottle of water.

I unscrewed the top and chugged half of it, the liquid cold down my throat. He took the bottle from me, my hands slightly trembling. I cracked my knuckles, unsure of what to do with myself as he stood in front of me. Was this awkward or was I just awkward? I yelped when he lifted me and sat me on the edge of the bar. He stood between my parted legs, and I laid my hands on his shoulders.

“Nice place you got here, boss man.” I looked around the room while his hands rubbed up and down my thighs. “What do you say we take this off now?” I reached to take his mask off, and he pulled back. He shook his head no and pressed himself firmly against me.

“Kinky.” I chuckled and tilted my head to the side. “It’s kind of creepy, though.”

He nodded, undid his tie, and threw it around my neck. The silk was soft against my skin, and he lifted the ends up in front of my face. He still said nothing, and if I was being honest with myself, I would have to say that the whole thing was turning me on.

He mimicked wrapping the tie around my head like a blindfold, and I nodded in agreement. There was a first time for everything, and hooking up with a masked man who wanted to blindfold me was a definite first. The funny thing was that I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t worried. Something about him made me feel comfortable. Safe. And I was just going to ride it out.

He reached up and tied the tie around my head, covering my eyes so that I couldn’t see. He continued to rub his hands up and down my thighs, making me squirm on the bar top. Not being able to see what he was doing had me slightly on edge, but in a good way. I could focus more on his touch and the sensations running through my body.

I gasped when his lips touched my skin and I realized he had taken his mask off. His lips were warm as he trailed kisses up the crook of my neck and the side of my face. I wrapped my legs around him and tugged him closer, wanting to feel him against me. It had been so long since I had had a warm body between my legs, and damn, did it feel good. He kissed down my jaw, and when his lips finally captured mine, I thought I might explode. Contrary to his patience on the dance floor, he was relentless with my mouth. His tongue was velvety soft as it brushed against mine. It was urgent. Hungry. And I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him tight against me.

He reached down and undid the buttons connecting my shorts to my top, never letting his lips leave mine. Our tongues danced and lapped against each other and all I could think wasmore, more, more.

I reached down to unbutton his shirt, my fingers fumbling from not being able to see. He covered my hands with his and yanked them roughly. I could hear the tear of fabric and buttons hitting the ground, and I moaned against his lips. His mouth was addicting, and I would be happy just with his lips on me all night. I rubbed my hands up his bare chest and over his shoulders, pulling his shirt down his arms until I heard it hit the floor. His skin was warm to the touch, and his breath hissed out of him when I dragged my nails up his back and through his hair.

I was consumed by his lips as they devoured mine. My fingers trailed up his stomach to his chest, where I could feel several jagged lines. I traced one that ran down his stomach, and he grabbed my hand and moved it back to his hair. Maybe he was self-conscious. They had to be scars, and judging by how long they were, it must have been a painful experience. My lips tingled when his mouth left mine and he kissed down my neck, to my shoulder, then back to my mouth again. His breath was warm, and every kiss and small bite had me on edge. He tugged on my shorts, and I lifted myself up so he could yank them down, my top gone a second later.

I moaned against his mouth when his fingers dipped inside of me, already so wet and ready for him. I should have been embarrassed, completely naked, blindfolded, sitting on the edge of a bar while a strange man did things to me that made me feel a way I had never felt before. But I was far from it. I was unashamed. And God, was I ready for him to fuck me.

He licked down my chest, my body still sweaty from all the dancing. I bucked my hips as his tongue lapped at one of my nipples, his other hand reaching up to caress the other. His tongue was soft as he licked his way down my stomach to my open legs. The entire building could be on fire right at that moment, and I still wouldn’t have stopped him.

My breath caught in my throat when the heat of his mouth brushed against my pussy. OK, this was definitely happening. He slid his tongue between my folds and licked me up and down in a motion that had me grinding my hips into his face. When his mouth latched onto my clit, I tilted my head back and moaned in panting breaths. My thighs trembled the more he circled my clit with his tongue, and I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair.

Waves of pleasure ran through my body, from my head, down to my toes. His tongue was flat against my clit as he pumped two fingers in and out of me. I came so unexpectedly, so fiercely, that I saw white dots in my vision. I screamed out, unable to control the sounds I was making, my back arching as he kept going and going and going.

My whole body was shaking as he stood, the sound of his zipper coming down and pants falling to the ground, letting me know I was in for a hell of a ride. My blindfold had slipped slightly when I orgasmed, and I was able to peek underneath it for a second. I glimpsed a scorpion tattoo on his chest before he tugged the blindfold back down and tightened it.

His mouth was on me again, kissing me with a fierceness that I had never experienced before. Was this what it was like to fuck someone who actually knew what they were doing? Because apparently, I had been with the wrong guys. I bit gently on his lower lip, and he groaned in appreciation. A moment later, I heard the sound of a condom wrapper being torn open.

The tip of his cock was at my entrance, and I spread my legs farther apart. He slid his cock up and down my pussy, coating himself with my juices. “Please,” I begged. “Fuck me.”

That was all the encouragement he needed before he plunged deep inside of me. My body tensed at the sensation, and I bit my bottom lip to hold in the moan. He was big. Thick. Unlike any other man I had been with. He pulled out and thrust back into me with slow, controlled movements. I bucked my hips against him, wanting more. Craving him. Wanting him so badly to fill me to my core. “More. Don’t be gentle. Fuck me.”

His lips were on me in an instant as he plunged back into me, harder this time. Stronger. But I could sense that he was still holding back, and I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged. “Please,” I whispered against his lips and bit down on his bottom lip.

He groaned out in pleasure and grabbed onto my hips, thrusting into me like a man possessed. My breasts bounced up and down with each slam of his hips and my body shook with pleasure. Little moans escaped my lips as his nails dug into me. “Yes, yes, yes,” I panted over and over again with each vicious thrust. He reached up and tugged my head back, his teeth dragging against the skin of my exposed neck, and I cried out. My body was on fire, and I met him thrust for thrust. He reached down and rubbed little circles over my clit until I began to spasm around his cock. I rode the wave of my second orgasm, whimpering out as he plunged into me repeatedly.

He lifted me off the bar, his cock still pumping in and out of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight as my legs were thrown over the crooks of his arms while he fucked me. I licked the side of his neck, then sank my teeth into him the same way he had done to me previously. He growled deep in his chest as he bounced me up and down, my nails digging into his back as he sped up his pace.

He came with a roar, our flesh slapping against each other with every forceful thrust. He let out a ragged breath, still holding onto me. His breath was coming out uneven and I claimed his lips once more. I tried to unwrap my legs from around him and laughed when he wouldn’t let me go.

My back tensed at the loud banging on the metal door, and when someone yelled, “Boss, you’re needed downstairs,” I realized my reckless night of fucking was indeed over.

Present Day
