Page 40 of Venom and Lace

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To finish this hunt. You’re close indeed.

I’m at the top, but don’t you fret

Squeeze inside. You’ll fit, I bet.

“It’s the water tower.” He grabbed the backpack and water jug. “I saw it up ahead, maybe half a mile.”

We headed off in the direction of the tower. The rain had made the ground slippery and muddy, and Cian held on to me to make sure I didn’t fall. When we got there, a ladder leaned up to the top with a little bridge just big enough for two people to stand on. There was a small door with a latch, and when I opened it and peeked in, I could see the velvet bag that had our clue.

There was a sheen of sweat on Cian’s forehead, and his fist clenched and unclenched.

“Are you OK?” I put my hand on his forearm.

He cleared his throat. “Not a fan of tight spaces.”

I looked at the door and then back to him. “I can grab it. I don’t think you’ll fit anyway.”

“No, it could be dangerous.” He shook his head, his jaw clenched.

“Cian, I’m not a little kid. I’m capable of going in there.” I gathered my hair and put it in a ponytail. “Besides, if you pass out, I’m just going to leave you here so I can be crowned the winner.” I poked the side of his stomach and he chuckled.

“Fine. But be careful.” He let out a breath and his face relaxed.

I grabbed the bag easy enough. It was a tight fit, and I could see how anyone would be claustrophobic in there. We climbed the ladder down and only when his feet were on the ground did he visibly relax. I giggled and bit the inside of my cheek. This man was six feet of muscled, tattooed hardness, but scared of small spaces. Oh, the irony.

I opened up the bag and pulled out the riddle.

You forget about me when you’re having fun

Don’t quit now, you haven’t won.

Tick, tick, you better be quick

Just head north and look for the red bricks.

“Finally, a riddle that isn’t pornographic.” I laughed and grabbed the map from his hands. We were getting closer to the main house. According to the map, if we kept heading north, we were only about two miles away. I knew the answer to the riddle, because I had passed by it when coming back from teatime with the Covington women a few days ago. It was a small clock tower made of bricks, about twelve feet tall, with a golden “C” at the top.

We took off in that direction, the sun setting just over the tree line. We were quiet for most of the way. It had been an exhausting day. Not only because of all the walking, but the emotional toll it was taking on me hiding secrets and worrying about being exposed. If I’d learned anything today, it was that Cian was not as terrible as Ryzen had made him seem, but the fact of the matter was those two hated each other. It was more than just a distaste for someone. It was pure hatred. And somehow, I was right in the middle of it.

I was struggling with who to believe. According to Ryzen, Cian had ruined his engagement and his business. But Cian didn’t give off the sociopath vibe. I sighed and kept my head down as we got closer to the clock. I would just let the two of them deal with each other and try to stay out of the way. No need for collateral damage at my expense.

“You’re thinking awfully hard over there.” Cian slowed his pace and walked next to me. “Something on your mind?”

I shook my head and kept walking. “Just thinking about work. A lot to do. Packing and moving—it’s a lot right now.” Cian nodded, never taking his eyes off me. “Plus, we got a big order in with a tight deadline. I’ll be happy when we are back in Chicago.”

“You must do well with your business?” I nodded, and he grinned. “I can see why. I’ve checked out your inventory. Very interesting selection you have at The Shiver Box.”

Heat rushed up my neck and to the top of my ears. I’d never been embarrassed about my profession. I owned my sexuality and had no problem expressing it, or helping others express it for that matter. But standing next to someone like Cian? Who I knew could make me orgasm like no other? Well, that was a different story.

I dared a glance in his direction, and his eyes darkened in a way that I was becoming familiar with.

No. No. No. Not going down this path again.“If you need a recommendation for your girlfriend or lady friend, let me know. I have lots of tips.”

Why did I just say that?Girlfriend? Really, Nova?If he thought I was fishing for information, he didn’t let on. He just nodded his head, his grin getting wider. “You should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished at such a young age.”

“Oh, I am. But I didn’t do it alone. My best friend Juliet also runs the company. She’s the other half to me. She keeps me sane.” My heart ached at that moment. This was the longest we had been apart from each other since we had met. She was the purest person I knew, and I hoped I could do right by her by getting back our lease.

“She sounds like a great friend.” Cian put his hand on my arm, and I stopped walking to look up at him. “You hold onto people like that and never let them go.”
