Page 24 of Bossy Mess

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I stopped for a second and looked at Wesley, who was giving me a look like he had some bad news to share.

“Look,” he said, “this isn’t going to work.”

“Do you have a better idea?”

He cringed slightly as he said, “I have an idea that will work better. I don’t know if it’s better.”

I didn’t know what he meant.

“Our clothes are what’s wet,” he said. “We’re both adults.”

I was starting to get the picture.

“The owners included the dryer with the house,” he said. “I know it sounds weird, but I promise I won’t look. I just think—”

I didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. I pulled my shirt off and jumped out of my pants, giving him a full view of everything. Hopefully, he liked what he saw.

“Your turn, boss,” I said.



The way she said it, naked and in front of me with that sly look in her eye — I hope I remember every single detail of that moment.

“Your turn, boss.”

She was so confident that it was almost intimidating. But, at the same time, it was so inviting. There wasn’t any hesitancy in her voice because she knew exactly what she wanted.

I wasn’t going to let her stand there naked in a strange house by herself. I removed my wet clothes, too, and we stood there naked in front of each other, her nipples pointing straight at me, and my hard-on directed at her. We were playing a game of chicken as to who would speak next.

It was me. I reached down and picked up her clothes and said, “We’d better get the dryer started.”

That seemed the logical next move, though it wasn’t clear exactly what was going to happen from there. Mind you, I knew what I wanted to happen from there — I was fantasizing about the very thing in my car on the way home, when I nearly spun off the road — but I wasn’t sure how far she wanted to take things. Clothes represented an unspoken agreement that we, as humans, had to be civilized. Walking outside, everybody wears clothes to indicate that they are willing to follow at least some of the social rules that separate us from the animals. Even when robbing banks or stealing cars, criminals are fully dressed. But once the clothes come off, that social agreement no longer stands.

Sloane followed me up the stairs and watched as I threw the wet ball of clothing into the dryer.

“Tumble dry low,” she said.

I didn’t bother to ask her why a pair of sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt needed to be run on the “delicates” setting, but I suspected it was because she wanted to buy as much time as she could.

It was then that I noticed the chill in the air — the home heater wasn’t on and while we were distracted for a moment, it didn’t change the fact that it was very cold. Sloane was shivering.

“We’re going to need to get you under a blanket,” I said, thankful that the owners had decided to stage the home for visitors. The furniture wasn’t the best that money could buy — it was glorified set dressing for a play — but a blanket was a blanket, and a bed was a bed. We were potentially in danger of hypothermia, and we needed to do what we had to in order to survive.

The worst possible outcome was the staging company would keep the security deposit and we could probably take the cost off of the selling price of the house.

“Lead the way,” she told me, still confident and trying to hide the fact that she continued to shiver.

I was hoping she’d lead the way just so I could bask in the beauty of her figure. Those curves — all in the right places — drove me wild. It took every bit of effort I had not to reach out and touch her just to see that she was real, and this wasn’t a dream or hallucination. It was difficult to believe any of this was actually happening.

I slipped under the covers of the bed and told her to join me. She climbed right in and for a moment or so, we just held each other, appreciating the moment. Maybe that’s what it would have looked like from the outside, but inside my head, it was like holding back a rabid dog. Every fiber of my being wanted to ravish Sloane, but that felt crude and inappropriate while she was still shivering. I wanted to wait until she was ready. If we were going to do this, we were going to do it right and make sure that it wasn’t something we’d regret when the sun came out in the morning.

“You’re warm,” she said, and cuddled up closer to me, pushing her cool flesh against mine, allowing nearly every possible inch of our skin to touch. Her body continued to tremble, still from the cold, but the shaking wasn’t as intense as before. I no longer heard the chattering of her teeth and, instead, her head relaxed into the pillow beside mine and we gazed into each other’s eyes.

It was that same feeling I’d had on the couch in my house when the power went out — that I should kiss her. I was always a quick learner who avoided making the same mistake twice and, this time, I leaned forward without fear and touched her lips with mine. The kiss began softly, patiently, and I pushed gently towards her face, in response to the soft moans she let out. My arms, already wrapped around her, pulled her in just a little bit tighter and I could feel the warmth and wetness between her legs. Again, I exercised restraint.

I had woken up this morning expecting just another day, but it was remarkable how much could change in not even 24 hours. This wasn’t just a good day; this was the kind of day that could change my entire life and force me to reconsider everything that I’d assumed and taken for granted before now. I had given up on life, but now I had the most beautiful, bubbly, wonderful woman in bed with me, moaning from my kisses and turned on beyond belief.
