Page 11 of Loving Victoria

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After giving them a playful glare, I couldn’t help but join in. My side hurt by the time we settled.

“Go easy on them, Tori. They just got home and are trying to settle in. And you won’t be here forever.” I knew Jessie meant well with her warning.

“Come on, Jessie. You can’t throw them at me, tell me to get laid, and then turn around and tell me to be careful and go easy on them. Hurting them would be the last thing I’d want to do.” I stood and walked halfway to the door.

They were giving me whiplash from theirhelp. I turned to the girls, who were all staring after me.

“If you don’t think you’re going to stay, then at least tell them that up front,” Jessie suggested.

I hadn’t told anyone my mother found a new match for me. I was still hoping to find a way out of it. “I’m not making any promises I can’t keep. You all are pushing me to have some fun, so that’s what I’m going to do. And boy, do those two scream fun.” I wagged my eyebrows.

“All right, don’t get your panties in a wad. It’s harder for them to fuck you,” Jessie teased.

“Don’t worry. All mine are crotchless.” I tossed back. When I turned around, Kyle, one of the team riders, was standing in the doorway. The girls hooted behind me at his surprised expression.

“Will you marry me?” he asked. I’d gotten to know him during my visits, and he’d always been a sweetheart, and the girl who ended up landing him was going to be really lucky.

“Maybe next time,” I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before I slipped past him and out the door. I really wanted to freshen up before I saw Caleb and Andrew. The butterflies dancing in my stomach made it hard to focus. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been this anxious to see a guy, let alone two.

In my room, I took a quick shower to wash off the day and donned a new sundress. It would cool outside once the sun set, but it felt lovely. Plus, I wanted to make a good impression on the twins, and I figured showing off a little leg was better than hiding in a pair of jeans.

I took one last glance in the mirror before heading to the dining hall to meet the guys. I’d thought about their kisses all day, and I hoped tonight would end with a few more. How could I have gotten so lucky? Andrew was a lady killer. He’d had all the women drooling over him, but he didn’t give them an ounce of his attention. He had this fun and freeness about him that called to me.

And he had atwin. There were two hunky cowboys for me. It had been a shock to find out the one I’d kissed first wasn’t Andrew, but Caleb had been all in. His kiss had left me dizzy and when he said they shared, I’d almost fainted. I’d felt a tenseness about Caleb that intrigued me. There was something hidden behind those hazel eyes I wanted to discover. Maybe I could experience what I really wanted.

By the time I walked through the door, the hall was already packed. Normally I was there early so I could chat with Jessie before everyone came in for the dinner rush, but since I’d freshened up, I was later than usual. I spotted Blake and Travis sitting at one of the tables and made my way over to them.

Halfway there, a strong hand grabbed mine and halted me. I turned to find the very sexy twins waiting for me. They were in fresh shirts and their hair seemed darker, like it was still wet from showering.

My heart stuttered, and a happiness swept through my body. They’d cleaned up for me.It was a small gesture, but I appreciated it.

“Hey there,” the one holding my hand said, and I giggled. I had to assume it was Andrew, since that was what he’d said to me when we first met.

“Have you been waiting long?” I asked.

“Just a few minutes before you arrived. You look beautiful, by the way,” Andrew said.

Heat spread over my chest and up my cheeks. I don’t know why I was feeling so shy all of a sudden. “You both look handsome. No matching shirts? I thought twins like to make it hard to tell each other apart,” I teased.

“You think you can tell us apart already? Tell me, who am I then?”

“You made it too easy for me,” I answered. I ran a finger down the front of his shirt. I was certain this was Andrew. From the small amount of time I’d spent with them, I noticed Andrew was more forward and outgoing, while Caleb was quiet and thoughtful. “You’re Andrew.” I smiled sweetly.

The grin that stretched across Andrew’s face had my heart racing. He liked I could tell them apart so quickly. As if that wasn’t enough, he surprised me by pulling me in and kissing me. The instant his lips met mine, my vision narrowed to the two of us. Heat spread from my mouth, through my chest, and between my legs. He brushed his tongue against mine before releasing me. We were both breathing hard. When he rested his forehead against mine, I wanted to sigh in contentment.

“I’m sorry. I needed to do that.” He panted.

“Staking your claim in front of everyone?” I tilted my head to the side, trying to figure out his intentions.

“Couldn’t help it.” He grinned sheepishly. “I need everyone to know you are off limits.”

“And kissing me is how you tell them? Not having dinner with me or hanging around the ranch together, or maybe voicing it?” I teased. Not that I’d tell them, but it was exhilarating having someone get territorial. That was something I’d never experienced.

“Do I get a hello as well?” Caleb asked. His husky voice was low enough for only me to hear. I spun around, cupped his cheek, and pressed my lips to his. Just like his brother, he hugged me to him and made sure the kiss was long enough people would notice.I stepped away from Caleb, then immediately tried to hide in his arms when I noticed everyone staring at us. My temperature rose so high I thought I was going to overheat.

The hoots and whistles didn’t make it any better. Caleb took my hand and walked us up to the counter to grab dinner. I placed a small scoop on my plate and grabbed a slice of bread. Jessie made a mean shepherd’s pie.

It reminded me of my time in college. A few of us would take the ferry over to Ireland once a month for shopping or grabbing a bite to eat in Dublin. Traveling around the British Isles was one of the things I missed most. Jessie kept it alive for me by cooking some of my favorite dishes from there.
