Page 23 of Loving Victoria

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“Not like you or everyone else on this ranch.”

“What can I do to help?” This was just one reason I loved Jessie so much. Her big heart hated to see anyone in pain.

“There is something I thought maybe you could help me with.”

She leaned back to get a good look at me. “What’s that?”

“Cooking.”In my mind, I could already picture myself creating an amazing dish for Caleb and Andrew—the three of us sitting together and sharing a meal I’d prepared.

“You want to learn to cook?” She raised her eyebrow.

“Yes.” I nodded firmly.

“What do you want to learn? Do you have anything in mind, or are you just wanting me to give you general tips and things?” Her forehead scrunched, and she titled her head to the side.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Maybe teach me to cook a meal. Maybe something the guys like, so I can make it for them before I go.”

“Oh, no. If you want to learn to cook for the twins, you need to ask Andrew.” She waggled her finger at me.

Well, fuck. I was hoping to surprise them. “How am I going to impress them with anything if they teach me everything?”

She smiled. “Just trust me.”

“Why Andrew?”

“Because he has a secret passion for cooking. He’ll never tell anyone, but I’ve had his dishes before, and I’ve worked with him. He knows what he’s doing.”

“Really?” That somewhat surprised me and somehow didn’t at the same time. He was always full of laughs and laid the charm on pretty thick, but I could tell there was a depth to him I was only just figuring out. It was exciting to learn about this secret side of him.

“Yes. Now, go. Shoo. Out of my garden.” She waved her arms, and I retreated in the direction I came. The more I thought about it, if she was right, and Andrew did secretly love to cook, then it was almost too perfect to ask him for this new lesson. Except my stomach did all kinds of flips, thinking about admitting another failure to him. One of these days, I’d be able to impress them with an accomplishment all my own.

It wasn’t until midafternoon that I worked up enough courage to text Andrew. My hands shook, and I had to take a deep breath before I hit send.

Victoria: Will you teach me to cook dinner?

I only had to sit for a few minutes with my stomach in knots before he texted back.

Andrew: Hell yes, sunshine. I’ll meet you at the house in twenty minutes.

Seriously. It was still the afternoon, and I knew he had work to do.

Twenty minutes later, I laughed when I saw him jogging up to the front porch with a big smile plastered on his handsome face. “Why so early?”

“Because sunshine, we’re going shopping.”

My heart skipped a beat at how excited he was to be teaching me something new. Everyone was right. I really needed to be careful. My heart was going to get way too attached to them.


Itook in Tori sitting in the passenger seat of my truck. We needed to get supplies if we were going to make dinner tonight. I’d been all too excited when her text came in.

“I have the perfect dish in mind. Something classic, but it’ll be fun and easy.”

She gave me a disbelieving glance.

I laughed, determined to change her mind. With a quick grin, I laid my hand on her knee, needing even the slightest bit of contact.

Uncle Jeff and his crew had been tearing apart the side of the barn all day. Until we had everything finished, and we were settled behind new desks, it was hard to organize breeding timetables, castrations, and vaccinations when we didn’t have anything to actually look at. Everything was at Alex’s clinic, which we wouldn’t bring over until we were all set.
