Page 30 of Loving Victoria

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“Please do. I’m afraid I may never date again if I can’t wash away all those bad memories.” She raised her hand to her forehead and tipped her head, pausing for the dramatic effect.

A smile spread across my lips. “Well, we can’t have that, now can we?”

Drew’s phone buzzed on the counter. He glanced at the screen and sighed. “I’m already missing weekends. Work never stops on a ranch.” He walked over to Tori and kissed her on the cheek. “Duty calls. I’ll be home as soon as I can. You promised me naked movie night, and I’m holding you to it,” he said, pointing at her as he retreated from the room.

Tori smiled and blew him a kiss.

“Where are you taking me on our date?” Tori sauntered over to me and ran her finger along my chest. My heart lurched as she gazed up at me through those sexy, long eyelashes of hers. I loved when she went all seductress on me.

“I can’t really say it’s a secret when there are only a few places in town to go. We figured we’d take you toTheCotton Jinfor dinner.” I ran my hand along her cheek. “Then we have a surprise for later.”

“Oh, really.” Her nail lightly scratched under my chin.

“Really.” I took the tip of her finger between my teeth.

“Then I guess I’d better get going while it’s still light out.” She tapped me on the nose before turning and heading toward the front door.

I reached for her, but she slipped out of my grasp. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I need to go grab more clothes from my room in the big house. I have nothing to wear for our date.”

“Princess, you could wear a sack and still look amazing.” When she slipped farther away from me, I sprinted and chased her to the door. She giggled and slowed down until I caught up.

“Why don’t you wear the blue dress you had on the other day? The one that shows off your tits just right and was so cute with those tan boots of yours. So fucking sexy.” I licked my lips just thinking of her on our date in that outfit. There was a good chance we wouldn’t even make it to the bar if she wore it, but I was willing to take that chance.

“It’s dirty. If you want me to wear that, I will. I just have to bring it with my other clothes to have it washed.”

“You know you can wash it here. We do have a washer and dryer.”

“Umm…” she started and then stopped. Her gaze bounced everywhere but at me, and her fingers toyed with the buttons on my shirt.

Fuck me. She didn’t know how to do laundry, and now she felt incompetent. Honestly, that didn’t surprise me one bit, but I wanted her to know it didn’t matter to me. “Go grab your clothes, and I’ll grab mine and Drew’s. We’ll do laundry together.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed to my bedroom to grab the first basket. Drew and I usually did the chores together, which meant whoever did the laundry that week did all the clothes.

Tori met me in the mudroom where the washer and dryer were. Her duffel bag was full of waded clothes. “Princess, while you’re staying here with us, you can throw your clothes in the hampers, and we can do everything together. Okay?”

“Are you sure?”

I hated the hesitancy that crossed her face. I pinned her with my stare. “What did I just say?”

She shrugged. “Okay. I’ll put my things in the hamper.”

“Good girl.”

Her answering smile lit me up from the inside out.

I wanted to discuss with Drew about giving her drawer space too. We needed to clean out an area for her to put her clean clothes and make sure we freed up some closet space. “First thing’s first. You want to sort out the whites from your colors. They each have their own washing technique. Your darks get washed with cold, and your whites get washed in hot water. We may not have the fanciest of machines here right now, but they work. We’ll be upgrading these soon. But for now, you can learn on these.”

We sorted the clothes into piles and then threw in the darks for the first wash. “It doesn’t seem like it’s that hard, just a lot to remember,” she said when we wandered to the kitchen.

“The folding is the worst part of it. The washing and drying is a waiting game. We have two loads right now. That’ll be around three hours total for the laundry.” I laughed when she gave me an incredulous stare.

“No way.”

“Each cycle is around forty-five mins for the washer, and then the dryer is around thirty to forty-five depending on what’s in it. If we had bigger loads, then it would be more time.”

“That’s just wrong. How do people get things done when it takes so long?”

“They multitask. While the washer is going now, we can decide what to do for dinner. Drew will hopefully be home by the time we switch things over, so then we make dinner and eat while the next load is working. If Drew and I do it during the day, we usually clean something around the house while we wait. Or have the game on and relax.”
