Page 47 of Loving Victoria

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“Don’t be an asshole. You know damn well I loved her.” He shoved me.

“Fuck you. You sure have a hell of a way of showing it.” I brushed past him, my shoulder bouncing off his.

The house was closing in on me, and I couldn’t stand another minute being in it. It had too many fresh memories that ignited with our argument. Caleb and I had never fought like this before. It was like a knife to the chest, knowing my brother and I weren’t on the same page. Even if we disagreed on something, we would talk it through and eventually we would come to the right decision, but this time was different. This time, he’d gone right past talking it through and decided all on his own.

I made my way to the dining hall to catch the tail end of breakfast. I could use a change of scenery or else I would strangle my brother.

The sun was peeking over the horizon halfway as I hiked my way from the house to the dining hall. I wasn’t hungry, but I wasn’t really there for the food. When I stepped inside, I took a deep breath and looked around. I immediately searched for Gavin, but he wasn’t there. Neither was Travis. I’d had hoped maybe I could get some brotherly advice from the one I wasn’t currently mad at.

They weren’t there, but Jessie was. And since I’d grown up with Jessie, I knew she would help me get my head on straight.Or at least help me calm down enough so I could have a conversation with my twin without wanting to rip his head off.

“How are you guys doing?” Jessie asked and leaned her elbows on the massive island that separated the sitting area from the kitchen. I shuffled over and sat on one of the pull-out stools.

“Honestly, Jess… I’m a fucking mess. I don’t even know what to do with Caleb anymore. I feel like he’s disappearing before my eyes.” The pain in my throat made it difficult to swallow.

“I’m sure it’s just a phase. His way of getting over things with Tori. You’ve both been through breakups before. You know it takes time.”

I shook my head. “This isn’t like those other times. This time was different. I was ready for a forever with Tori.”

“Then why did you let her walk away?” Her forehead scrunched.

I slammed my hand down on the counter. “I didn’t have a choice, and I can’t go against Caleb. Her secrets hurt me, but they tore him apart. I can’t be with her without him.”

“You weren’t here when the rest of these dumbasses lost their girls the first time too. Even your brother.”

“What?” I had only heard about the love and how happy everyone was in their current relationship.

“Yup, Blake left, but you know what he did? He went after her, because he knew she was worth the risk and would drop everything for her. Is that how you feel about Tori? Are you willing to leave everything behind for her?” Her eyes narrowed as she stared me down.

“Everything except for my brother. I won’t leave him. So, either he gets his head out of his ass in time for us to go save her from that marriage or she wasn’t meant to be ours.”

“When did you get so dumb, Andrew?” Jessie sighed.

I blinked at her. This wasn’t like Jessie. She was sweet and supportive. This was the first time she’d ever called me out on my shit, and I didn’t know what to do with that.

“If he won’t get his head out of his ass, then make him.”

I sat there staring at her.

She shook her head and gave a frustrated snort. “I swear. None of you boys ever see it when it’s right in front of your face.”

“What do you mean?”

“If she didn’t mean the world to you, then you wouldn’t be this hurt. Caleb has retreated so far into himself because the woman he loves is gone. It’syourjob to get him to the right place so you both can go after her.”

My heart sank. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to do that, but Caleb was in a state I’d seen him take weeks to return from. I didn’t think we had weeks. If everything I read was true, her wedding was practically planned and happening sooner rather than later. We needed to get to her before she did something we couldn’t change.

The door to the dining hall burst open, and the morning light temporarily blinded me. Duke entered, followed by Caleb. Both appeared solemn but determined.

“All hands on deck. We need everyone who is willing to mount up. There was a fire at Jefferson’s ranch last night, and their herd busted through the fence and scattered. Let’s load up the trailers and head to town to volunteer our help,” Duke called out to the group, already gathering. Voices rang out in an offer to help and men clustered around Duke.

When everything settled, it looked like there would be about ten of us heading out to help.Even though we were a big ranch, there were only so many able bodies at a given time. The show horses were either away in Mexico City or not experienced to be around cattle. We were down another three with those who were out on the latest cattle rotation.

I glanced at Caleb. His hard jaw told me he had already agreed to help before they entered the dining hall. I wasn’t going to let my brother go alone. I would join the brigade as well.

“Everyone, be ready to load up in twenty minutes. We don’t know how long it will take, so be prepared.” Duke clapped his hands before turning and exiting the building.

We all followed suit and headed to our houses to grab supplies. This couldn’t have come at a better time. Before my talk with Jessie, I had been contemplating drowning myself in a bottle of Jack to help ease the pain of being alone. I missed Tori. I loved her, and she had left. I blamed Caleb for pushing her away, and I blamed Tori for not staying and trying to fight. But I blamed myself even more for standing there and doing nothing.
