Page 52 of Loving Victoria

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Thomas scooted across the seat and wrapped me in his arms, letting me cry on his shoulder. He rubbed his hands up and down my arms, comforting me as I tried to reign myself in.

“It’s going to be okay, Tori. I know it,” he said softly as my tears subsided.

“Do you think it’s too late?” I straightened and sniffled. I trusted his opinion and needed to know if he thought it was truly over for me.

“I don’t think so, but there’s only one way to find out.” Thomas smiled and squeezed my forearm.

I pulled myself together as much as I could when the car parked in front of the towering building, but fresh tears ran down my face as we passed through the sliding doors of the lobby. Thomas led me to an elevator and pressed the button for the sixth floor. When the doors slid open, the sign in front of us made my stomach clench.Trauma Intensive Care Unit. Maybe there was something Thomas wasn’t telling me. No one was placed in ICU unless it was serious.

I made my way into the waiting room. I saw the twin’s mother and who I assumed was their father comforting her. Gavin was there, as well as Alex and Declan. I knew others would have been there too, if they could have been.

When Sarah spotted me, she enveloped me in her arms. “Oh sweetie, you came.”

“Of course, I did.” I squeezed her small frame, getting choked up.

“Um, Tori. Let’s get you changed,” Alex interrupted, and I glanced down at myself. Once again, I’d forgotten what I had on.

My dream dress was filthy around the bottom and had snags in the fabric from travel. Besides, a wedding dress had no place being in a hospital.

Alex's face was full of sympathy. “I’m sorry. The only thing I could get on such short notice were some spare scrubs someone had here. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Thank you, Alex. I really appreciate it. Can you help me out of this?”

Alex nodded and led me to the bathroom, where I was relieved of the dress. “What do you want me to do with it?” she asked.

I drew in a deep breath and shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.”

“I’ll find a place to put it,” she responded and gave me a hug.

Grateful I was here, instead of so far away, my breathing grew stronger, and a sense of calm swept over me. I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I only hoped the twins would want to see me.

Once I emerged from the bathroom, Declan led me to Caleb’s room. He gave me a sweet kiss on my cheek. “I’m happy you’re here.”

“Me too,” I whispered. He didn’t walk away until I turned the handle of the door.

Andrew’s head popped up from the edge of the bed where he’d been resting. He was perched awkwardly on a chair he must have dragged to the side of the bed. The steady beeping of the monitors made me cringe.

Our eyes met, and without a second thought, I rushed over to Andrew as he leapt up from his chair. When his arms encircled me and he tugged me close, I sobbed. I buried my face against his chest and let the warmth of his embrace fill me before I swiped at my eyes and took a deep breath. “How’s he doing?”

“He’s sleeping. The pain meds make him groggy.”

“I’m so sorry, Andrew.” I stepped out of his arms and moved closer to the edge of the bed. “How did it happen?”

Andrew looked at me, tears threatening to spill from his hazel eyes. They took me in from head to toe, and his jaw tightened and clenched before he turned to his brother. “It was an accident. He’s going to be fine. The doctors said his tests all came up negative. We’re just waiting for him to wake up so the doctors can decide when he can be released. Then you can be on your way again.”

Dammit.He must have thought when I stepped away it was because I didn’t want him.

“Andrew.” I held in a sob. “I made a mistake. I should never have left.”

His eyes showed me the depth of his feelings when he stared at me. I’d hurt him. “Why did you come back?”

I reached out to him. “Because I’m in love with you. Both of you.”


The haze of the pain meds was hard to shake. I’d woken up earlier, hallucinating Tori was here at the hospital, beside my bed with her head on her arms, resting on the mattress beside my leg.

There was no way that was real. She was in Cosland, probably married by now. And it was likely too late to get her back.

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