Page 6 of Loving Victoria

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“About time you came down. I was going to send a search and rescue for you,” Alex teased when I sat down next to her at the breakfast nook.

“Here you go, honey,” Helen said as she placed a fresh cup of coffee in front of me.

“Thank you, Helen.” I smiled as I added my two spoons of sugar and a dash of cream right before taking a sip. The liquid slid down my throat, warming me from the inside out. I sighed. “You make the best coffee.” Helen’s specialty blend brought life to my body. I took a few more sips before I was ready to answer Alex.

“Honestly, it’s all your fault.” I turned to her, setting my cup on the counter.

“How is it my fault you slept in?” Alex put a hand to her chest.

Declan and Thomas stood behind her, grabbing their own cup of coffee, and if their shaking shoulders were anything to go by, they were fighting hard not to laugh.

“Why did you order that last round of shots?”I glared at her. In all fairness, I didn’t have to drink the shot, but I needed to share the blame for my grumpiness. The thought of not seeing Andrew again until next week had me internally pouting.

“I was going for liquid courage, so you would go out and dance more.” She hid her smile behind her coffee mug.

Even though Declan and Thomas may have lived here for the past decade, I was fairly certain they wouldn’t know the locals as well as Alex who’d grown up in town. But it was worth a try anyway. If they didn’t have an answer for me, I’d find Gavin.

I raised an eyebrow. “Do either of you know the guy I was dancing with last night? He said his name was Andrew.”

“Oh no.” Alex rose from her chair, grabbing her coffee and slowly retreating from the kitchen, pulling Thomas and Declan with her. “Jessie already told me I’m not allowed to tell you, and that goes for these two as well. You had enough of people interfering with your love life. You get to have fun finding out all on your own, missy.”

“That’s so not fair!” I yelled at her retreating body. Once her smile disappeared around the corner, I downed the rest of my coffee in the hope the caffeine would ease the last of my headache. Already I could feel it dissipating, and with a clear head, my good mood returned. If the girls wouldn’t tell me about my mystery guy, then it was time to find Gavin.

I slid my boots on and opened up the front door. The bright sun made my eyes tear, and I glanced away. I slid on a pair of sunglasses I kept by the front door.

I made my way down the front walkway to the dirt path that would take me to the barn. The sun felt magical against my skin. It was far too rainy at home for my liking. Dust kicked up from the road with every step I took toward Gavin’s office, housed in the front barn with the team horses.

It wasn’t that late, but the ranch was in full swing like it was mid-day. I’d learned early that ranch work started before sunrise—earlier than I was used to, but I was making every effort to adjust. I needed to make myself useful if I was going to stay for a while.

I waved to Blake and Liam as they exited the barn with Liam’s horse, Zeus.

I opened my mouth and quickly shut it when Blake smirked. “Not telling,” she lilted over her shoulder.

Fine. I crossed my arms over my chest. I entered in through the far end of the barn and meandered down the aisle, stopping by each of the stalls to say hi to the horses. I quickened my pace and patted the last horse one more time. I needed to hurry if I wanted to catch Gavin before he got too busy.

When I was halfway there, his office door opened at the end of the aisle. My heart stopped when I saw the tall, imposing figure who walked out.


He was in another pair of jeans that cupped his thick thighs and made me want to run my hand over his hips and slide my fingers into his back pockets to tug him close to me. He wore a gray t-shirt that stretched across his chest, showing off those muscles hidden beneath. The only thing missing was his hat and the cocky grin he’d worn last night.

Here he was, coming out of the last place I expected him to be. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I was going to do what I wanted to last night.

He hadn’t seen me yet, still focused on whatever he was doing when he walked out of the office.

It was now or never.

I straightened my shoulders and closed the distance between us.

“Hey there,” I said as I approached him.

He caught my gaze, his hazel eyes warming at the sight of me. “Hey.”

I didn’t give him time to say anything else. Reaching up, I wrapped my hand behind his neck and brought him to me. The moment our lips touched, he stood still. Undeterred, I moved my mouth over his and nipped at his bottom lip. I grinned as a slight shudder wracked his body, and then his arms banded around my back, and his lips molded to mine. A fire ignited inside me when he deepened the kiss.

I flicked my tongue across his bottom lip, and he groaned, opening his mouth and twirling his tongue to dance with mine. Heat raced through my veins, and I wanted to get even closer. My breasts brushed against his hard chest, tantalizing me as tiny sparks flooded my body. He groaned into my mouth, and I thought I heard him whisper,“Fuck.”

It was like he sucked all the air from my lungs. His kiss made me dizzy, but I didn’t want it to end.

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