Page 3 of Leader

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“Sit down, son,” she croaks, her voice clearly hasn’t recovered from my attack and that makes me smile.

You can fake it, bitch, but I got to you.

“We need to have a proper discussion about this. I’ve allowed you your tantrum.” She pauses while she fishes a gun out from beneath the cushion she’s sitting on. With steady hands, she removes the safety and points it straight at me. “Now that you’ve had your say, it’s time I have mine.”

I bark out an incredulous laugh. “Are you going to shoot me?”

She shrugs and points it towards my left knee. “That’s up to you, isn’t it? But before you spite me just for the sake of it, remember this. Acacia is only alive because you’ve made it worth my while. If you’re no longer of use to me… well, you can guess what that means.”

My hands ball into fists as I level my furious gaze at her. Even though I want nothing more than to put the rabid animal that is my mom out of its misery, I can’t do that. Not if Cia’s life is really in her hands.

Refusing to show her my defeat, I keep my shoulders squared as I walk over to her and sit down.

“Now, I know Acacia wants you to live together, but I won’t have that kind of incestuous activity sullying my name. So, you’ll move into a house I found for you. You’ll live with two friends of mine, and trust me, they’ll be keeping an eye on you—”

Unable to remain silent, I shout, “The fuck I will!”

Mom sighs and rolls her eyes, adjusting the gun so it’s pointed at my chest. “Ah, ah, keep that temper in control, son.” She sneers at the last part, and oddly, that comforts me.

It fucking messes with my head when she shifts between treating me like her fucking errand boy and her son. You would think I’d gotten used to it over the years, but no. So it’s easier to deal with the distant version of her. Because whether or not I like it, I’ve learned that when it comes to her, I still have that little boy inside me.

The one who just wants his mom to love and protect him. Not extort him and use him for her own fucked up agenda—whatever the end-goal might be. Also, apparently, I’m thinking of said boy in third person.

Yeah, that’s not fucked up at all.

Suddenly feeling exhaustion take over my body, I run a hand across my face. “Just get to the point,” I say. I ignore the curious look in her eyes and make myself comfortable instead. Cia and Dad will be back soon, so I need Mom to get on with it.

“Very well. I’ve already explained your living arrangement, so I’m assuming you’re agreeing to that.” She doesn’t look like she’s expecting me to verbalize my acceptance, so I don’t. “You will break up with your slutty cousin before the fall break, and then you will start dating a girl named Elena. She and her sister are important to me. I want you to personally ensure their safety. Trust me when I say it’s in your best interest to do so.”

I sputter with indignation and anger. “I’ll agree to all of it, except dating someone else.”

Laughing, Mom clarifies, “Oh, you’ll only be dating publicly. If I were you, I’d keep my hands and… other body parts off her.”

Narrowing my eyes, I try to look at this from every possible angle, but it’s useless. No matter how I approach it in my mind, I can’t get it to make sense. Why the fuck does Mom want me to date someone for appearance only? The only thing I can think of is that she’s doing it to sow strife. Yes, that has to be it.

If Cia and I don’t look like we’re united, it won’t just look bad, it’ll sow seeds of doubt. And those seeds will grow and the other families might harvest the outcome for their gain.

Fucking hell.

This is it, isn’t it?


I can’t say no to any of this… not if… I swallow, the knowledge making the simple movement hard as my throat feels like it’s closing up. Can I go against her, willingly risk Cia’s life? I already know the answer is no. No, I can’t do that.

Do I fully believe the shit my mom is spouting? Yeah, I fucking do. She’s as calculated and cunning as the day is long. She’s groomed me since she got me, so I know she’s playing the long game. When Marian says she has her bases covered, it won’t do me any good to doubt her. I can’t chance that.

As much as it hurts me to have to say goodbye to Cia, or at least, that part of our relationship, there’s no way I can’t do it. She’ll hate me, of course, she will—hell, I hate me for what I have to do. But she’ll be alive to do so, and that’s the most important part.

Pulling myself together, I look at the woman who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. “I’ll do it on one condition.”

“You’re not really in a position to make demands,” she casually retorts.

I pull back my lips and smile viciously at her. “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not your puppet. Anything I do, I do for her and not you.” Despite her cold exterior, I see the flash of annoyance in her blue eyes. It isn’t much, but it’s enough for me to know I’ve finally found her Achilles heel. “You don’t have my loyalty, respect, or love. You have my obedience. I’m your trained dog, and that’s all there is to it. So you best keep the leash short, because you know what dogs do when their masters mistreat them.”

Looking at her, I wait until she breaks our eye contact, which is the only outwardly show she’s backing down. At least for now. “As I was saying, I have a condition. I do this, and you leave Cia alone. Not just now, today, or this year. You leave her the fuck alone for good. No meddling in her affairs, or trying to undermine her. She’ll be the one to take the seat as our Leader, and you will fucking respect that.”

“It could be you,” Mom hastily points out.
