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Each of them move so they’re in front of me, scrutinizing my face, probably looking to see if I mean it. Although it irks me, I swallow my pride, deflate my shoulders, and let my arms fall to my sides so I’m standing in front of them, completely naked and vulnerable.

When they seem to understand that I mean it, they all voice their agreement with various versions of ‘okay then.’

It’s Kai that takes my hand and moves me to the middle of the room, where he instructs me to spread my legs wide. As I’m doing that, Gus rolls a… wait, what the hell is that? It looks like the bottom half of an office chair, which explains the wheels. But the top part is completely removed, leaving the dildo attached to the metal bar that usually slides up and down. I get the urge to giggle now I can finally see what was inside me earlier, and when Gus notices me eyeing it, he pushes some buttons on the remote that make the toy move up and down.

“Holy shit,” I whisper, awed and… well, turned on at the same time.

The shit-eating grin my cousin gives me lights up his entire face, and I can’t help but return it. “So I take it, you aren’t adverse to straddle it again?” he asks, though his tone lets me know I have little choice. I shake my head, because I’m curious and yeah, I want something between my legs.

I keep my eyes on the chair, gulping as a thought strikes me. “What if… where’s the lever?” I shiver at the thought of unknowingly hitting the damn thing, making the bar shoot up, causing the toy to pierce my insides.

It’s Liam that eases my mind by coming over and cupping my cheek. “Do you really think we would allow that to happen?”

“No, but…” I don’t want to question them because I know they don’t want me to be hurt. That doesn’t mean an accident couldn’t occur, though.

Behind me, Kai snorts. “Either you trust us or you don’t. Make your choice,wife.” I keep my eyes on the floor as he spits the last part, and I swallow audibly.

Even though the need to argue with him is strong, I decide to let it go. He’s right, and I owe it to each of my men to show them my trust. So instead of engaging in a pointless argument, I nod.

Kai and Gus guide me so I’m straddling the chair, and it’s only then that I realize the thing on my clit is still there. Now that the toy is moving in and out of my slick cunt, the pressure around my nub is almost unbearable, and I squirm in an attempt at creating the right friction.

“None of that,” Kai says sternly, before slapping my ass cheek so hard I gasp. “If you can’t hold still, we’ll bind you again. Do you prefer to be bound, Nereid?” His tone softens.

I swallow as I consider his words, then I slowly nod. “Yes. And the blindfold, I don’t wanna see…” How do I explain I don’t want to know who’s punishing me?

Liam is the first to pick up on what I’m not saying, and with a gentle touch, he places the fabric back over my eyes, robbing me of my sight. I don’t know if he’s the one who binds my hands behind my back, but I’m just glad my arms aren’t raised again because my shoulders still ache.

“Are you ready?” Gus asks, and I nod, not sure my voice is even working at this point.

Thefirsttenlasheswith the flogger confirms the blindfold is my friend.

“Nereid,” Kai growls, his impatience leaking through his voice.

Straightening my spine, I retort, “No.” like I’ve done ten times now. A part of me recognizes I’m playing with fire, and that maybe this isn’t the best place to insert my stubbornness.

I’m a dragon, fire can’t hurt me.

As another lash hits my lower back, I grit my teeth through the pain. “I will not lower myself to counting.”

“It’s not up for discussion,” Gus interjects, sounding like he’s two seconds from losing the tight hold he must have on himself. “You agreed to the punishment. Thirty lashes, and you have to count out loud after each one.”

I laugh, actually laugh, at that. “Those terms weren’t mentioned when you asked me to take my punishment. You’ve given me ten, no, eleven, lashes now that you claim don’t count because I’m not counting.” I sway unsteadily on my knees as the flogger meets my skin again. This time it’s the soft flesh of my ass and part of my foot.

After the third lash, I threw myself to the side to get away from the glorious dildo. If they’re going to change up the game like this, I won’t take any pleasure in it. Even though I know it isn’t, this feels like my last stand. I can’t go all in and blindly submit. It’s not in me to do so.

“Again!” I taunt, mentally cursing when my voice quivers.

Though I can’t be sure, I think I hear the whooshing sound of the flogger cutting through the air. This time it doesn’t land on me, which surprises me.

“Enough!” Liam thunders. His outburst is followed by shuffling feet, moving away from me as they whisper amongst each other.

It doesn’t take long before they’re back, and I can feel them surrounding me again. I’m just about to remind them I’m not their fucking toy when soft lips close around both my tits, sucking, and lapping at my peaked nipples. I arch my back, happy when the sucking increases, and I can’t hold back a moan.

“Fuck!” I hiss as teeth scrape against my soft areola. With my hands bound, I can’t cradle their heads, and that’s seriously annoying. I want to know who’s giving me divine pleasure.

“Please count for us.” The robotic voice of text-to-speech pierces my lust driven thoughts as I fight the urge to smile.

For some reason I find it endearing that they’re going to such lengths to hide who’s doing what, and the fact that they’re upholding my wish not to know who’s swinging the flogger makes me cave.
