Page 41 of Ruler

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“Liam! Gus!” Kai’s voice sounds panicked as he shouts for us. “Where the fuck are you?”

Without a second thought, we both run into the kitchen, coming to a sudden halt as we’re greeted by Kai holding agápi against his chest. At first glance, she looks to be sleeping. But when her arm falls limply to her side, it’s clear she’s unconscious.

“What happened?” I snarl. This is my worst fucking nightmare coming to life. Cia was hurt when I wasn’t there to protect her. Coldness spreads inside me as I take in her too still form and pale face. There’s no trace of the sassy, deadly spitfire that owns my fucking heart.

“Is she okay?” Gus asks at the same time. “Why did you bring her home instead of keeping her in the hospital?”

Shaking his head, Kai walks into our bedroom, and we stay hot on his heels. “What hospital? What do you mean?”

I growl menacingly at his stupid fucking question. “I fucking assume you were with her in the hospital.” Even as I say it, I know it’s a stupid assumption. Out of all of us, Kai is the last person agápi would bring to see her dad. Especially since he’s the very reason Alexander is in the hospital in the first place.

Kai shakes his head again, not taking his eyes off our woman while he lies her down on the bed. “We were in my office when it happened.”

I look at Gus, who looks just as confused as I feel. The last thing agápi said was that she was going to see Morgana and her dad in the hospital. She never mentioned going to see Kai.

“But she—” Gus slams his mouth shut, cutting off his own words with an angry scoff. “Of course she went to see you instead.”

It makes all the sense in the world now that he’s mentioned it. Cia will go through fire for the three of us, so of course she wanted to make sure Kai was okay. Even before checking on her dad.

“What happened?” I ask as I sit down on the bed, reverently stroking her soft cheek.

“Alexander is dead,” Kai rushes out. “Abel came to my office not half an hour ago. He came to tell me… Nereid was there with me, and when she… she… she fucking fainted and she hasn’t woken up since.”

This can’t be happening.

“Why isn’t Abel here to help her?” Gus barks, clutching one of her hands in his. “Why the fuck isn’t the Drákon doctor here right now?”

Kai rakes a hand through his hair, staring at us with anguish. “He’s coming.”

Fury rolls off Gus in waves. “That doesn’t explain why he isn’t here right fucking now.”

Clearly at the end of his tether, Kai snaps, “Don’t you think I fucking know that? Don’t you think I wanted him to be here? Abel wasn’t alone. He had guards waiting outside my office, and he said he had something to take care of first. Short of fighting my way out with Nereid in my arms, there was nothing I could do.”

My insides feel like they’re on fire. I lean down and press a soft kiss to agápi’s forehead. Then I murmur, “How about you wake up, agápi? You hate unnecessary drama. This is beneath you, Cia.” She doesn’t even stir.

“So he just left her?” Gus spits the words, his disgust for Abel’s behavior is heavy in his words.

I keep murmuring to her, completely ignoring Gus and Kai, while they snipe at each other. Gus is right, Abel should be here. But he isn’t. Cia is, and she’s our responsibility.

“Come on, open those beautiful gray eyes for me,” I beg, completely uncaring about how desperate I sound.

“He looked her over quickly, and assured me that the reason she fainted isn’t physical.” When Gus curses, Kai talks louder. “The guards he had with him all bore the golden infinity wyvern, Gus. Take a fucking minute and think about what that means. Hate me if you must, I really couldn’t care less. All I care about is her.”

I can’t tear my attention from the woman who owns me so completely. It makes me feel like a fucking failure that I wasn’t there, wasn’t at her side. Logically, I know it wouldn’t have changed anything, but it might make me feel less like I’ve failed her.

“So what’s the plan?” Gus asks, sounding as devastated as I feel.

“We wait on Abel,” Kai says. Sitting down next to me, he moves his fingers up and down her arm, like he’s desperate to touch her as well. “She’ll be fine. I caught her, and she didn’t hit her head. Her condition is likely caused by… stress or some shit.”

That wouldn’t fucking surprise me at all. And I can’t blame her one bit. When was the last time she really had time to just be, without having to navigate duties and wants?

Chapter 14


Whenthesunbeginsto peek through the blinds, I haven’t slept at fucking all, and I know it’s the same for Liam and Kai. We’ve all stayed in bed, barely moving. Listening to Cia’s slow breathing.

Abel showed up as promised. After drawing her blood and running some tests, the fucker assured us that she’d be fine.
