Page 57 of Ruler

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Kai and Gus silently move closer.

“I see you got some morphine,” Kai chuckles.

Liam proudly shows us what he’s clutching in his hand. “They… when I click the…” His eyes flutter shut, his long dark lashes fanning across his cheek.

“I know, big guy,” Kai says, laughing now. “You have to click the button to release the morphine.” I’m sure he’s explaining it for my benefit, because judging by the way Liam is keeping the button down with his thumb, he already knows what’s what.

Frowning, I ask, “Is there a chance he can give himself too much?”

Gus places his hand on my lower back. “No. That’s why there’s a button to control it. The doctor will have regulated it so he can only get however much they’ve deemed okay.”

I open my mouth to argue that they might not know, but before I can form any words, Gus continues.

“They base the dosage on his height and weight, so he won’t be able to get more than his body can handle.”

I still want to argue that they might be wrong, but I don’t. This isn’t the time or place for my worries, especially not since this is an irrational one.

Liam pulls me from my thoughts when he suddenly tries to get out of bed. “Agápi?” Even though he’s looking right at me, it’s like he isn’t seeing what’s in front of him.

I gently sit down on the edge of his bed and take his hand. “I’m here, Liam. And I’m not going anywhere.” I can’t help hardening my tone at the last part.

My consort smiles again, his fingers intertwine with mine and we sit like that for hours. I don’t move despite the numbness settling into my left thigh and buttocks, I refuse to. Liam needs me, and I need him just as badly—if not more.

Kai and Gus have moved two chairs closer, and they’re busy talking about unimportant things like what our lives will be like five years from now. Okay, so maybe it’s kind of important, and I know they’re doing it for my benefit. But if anything, it’s making me feel worse because the more I listen to them while Liam sleeps, I’m realizing something important. There might not be a future for us.

I’m under no illusion that taking on the Tribunal will be easy. Especially not with the limited knowledge we have. Gods, I wish I’d pressed my dad harder for answers. Then again, I’m not sure that would’ve helped. If they’re behind my dad faking his first death, organizing his permanent death, and are the reason he killed Nikolaos… then they’ve taken out two Drákon Leaders without any problems. So what hope do the rest of us have to withstand them?

Even if any of that wasn’t a factor, there’s still the fact that Kai isn’t a Drákon. As the Ruler, he’s a Kronos, which means he has no right to meddle in the family business. Doing so could undoubtedly start a war.

“Oh my gods,” I mumble, startled by the thought entering my mind. It’s so potent and sudden I’m tempted to believe it’s delivered directly by Metis, the Greek god of deep thoughts.

“What’s up?” Gus asks around a stretch.

It’s been hours, and I know they’re not any more comfortable than I am. Yet, they’ve never made a single complaint, or suggested we go to bed. In fact, Kai had food brought here, and he’s even made the couch up for me to sleep on.

I turn to look at them over my shoulder, slowly licking my lips as I let the idea take root and… yes, it might actually work.

Chapter 18


“Yeah,IthinkIneed a sponge bath from my nurse,” Liam says, answering Gus’ question. Then he winks at Nereid, who’s dressed up in what I can only assume is a sexy nurse cosplay uniform.

She’s prancing around in a skintight white dress with a zipper in the middle. The see-through fabric makes it painfully obvious she isn’t wearing anything underneath, and fuck if she isn’t a sight to behold.

As Liam’s gotten better over the last two weeks, she’s calmed down. Well, that’s not right—she’s not calm by a long shot. She’s merely allowed her focus to change. If I ever had doubts about her love for us, I don’t anymore. This woman has tempered all her emotions, replaced them with her concern and love for us.

I know she was ready to set the world ablaze right after the attack, but it wouldn’t have ended well. She was still going through her miscarriage, and Liam couldn’t very well join us after his surgery. The reminder of the latter is what made her do a complete one-eighty. Instead of arguing, she embraced the role as Liam’s nurse wholly, uniform and all.

“Still no word from Morgana?” Gus drawls lazily from the chair he’s occupying while reading.

“Nope,” she answers, popping the P and swaying her hips enticingly as she makes her way over to Liam. “Wait, that’s not true. She’s texted me back a handful of times. But she never answers my calls.”

After the attack… actually, before it ended completely, Morgana left. While my wife is determined not to blame her, I’m less fucking forgiving. This just cements my opinion of the spoiled bitch. When she showed up at our wedding, ready to act as a witness, I thought I’d misjudged her at first. But now I know I should have stuck to my first instinct. She’ll never be on my council. I can’t have people I can’t trust in such a position.

“She’s probably too preoccupied by Lupa’s pussy,” Gus deadpans, flipping the page in the book he’s reading.

“I know this is important, but can we not discuss another woman’s pussy while our woman practically has hers out?” Liam gripes. Then he turns his heated gaze on Nereid. “Speaking of, I haven’t tasted yours today. Bring it over here.”
