Page 81 of Ruler

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I’m momentarily distracted as Liam and Gus call out my name, and I mistakenly look down at them. That mistake makes it all too easy for Andreas to forcefully push me to my knees. I barely manage to blink before I feel a dagger resting against my throat.

“You will show respect,” he snarls.

Without thinking, I push myself closer to the knife, feeling it dig into my skin. “Respect is earned,” I force out. “Not taken or demanded. You’ll get nothing from me.”

My words have the desired effect as our audience begins to murmur amongst themselves, and I wish I could give myself a well-deserved pat on the shoulder. This is what I need, people to start paying attention, or to see these corrupt fuckers for what they really are. People who are driven mad by power. So hungry for their next fix they’ll do anything to get it.

As much as I would love to pretend that this hasn’t gone unchallenged for at least hundreds of years, I’m not naïve enough to fully believe that. But if I can show the guards that there’s another way, maybe we won’t have to kill them all. And if possible, I’m all for not slaughtering the lot just for being here.

Then again, at the end of the day that won’t be my call. It’s Morgana’s decision, and I’ll support however she wants to do things.

“We’re getting off topic here,” Ana says, again managing to sound like she’s bored.

She’s anything but, though. I notice the way she’s fidgeting and shifting in her seat like she’s warring with herself about what to do.

“That we are,” Andreas says. “I think it’s time to throw the interlopers into the maze.”

My breath hitches, and I begin to scream and thrash in his grip as some of the Drákon guards force Liam, Isolde, Mordred, and Lupa to the beginning of the maze. My efforts are useless, and all it does is make the bastard at my back laugh merrily while adding pressure on the knife he’s still holding to my throat.

“Oh, you’re going to love this,” he croons directly into my ear.

He removes the knife from my skin before threading his fingers in my hair, using the hold to pull my head to the side so he can lick up my neck. I shudder in revulsion as his hot breath dances across my skin.

“I doubt it,” I spit back, which just makes him laugh even harder.


Why did I talk Kai out of just storming the place with his guards? Now, because of me, we’re not just split, my stupid fucking idea is the reason Liam is being forced into the maze. A sob gets caught in my throat, and I know Andreas hears it.

“The rules are simple,” he calls out.

While he talks, Andreas removes all my weapons. All but the one strapped to my inner thigh.

“If you make it through the maze, you get to live. If not… well, you’re already dead.” His tone is downright gleeful, as though he’s looking forward to potential casualties.

“On the sound of the gong,” Ana says, and for her sake, I’m glad she at least sounds like she isn’t happy about this.

As the gong rings out, Liam turns towards me. His lips are white and his limp looks serious. He mouths “I love you, agápi.”

The scream I let out vibrates through my chest and throat. It’s fear, anger, and hopelessness rolled into an inaudible sound.

“Jesus, calm down,” Joachim says. He sounds like he regrets what’s unfolding in front of our eyes.

“Don’t… don’t…” I gasp, unable to form words that adequately describe what’s on my mind.

For once I’m happy about my family being the leading force in technology. The cameras inside the maze show a crisp picture, just as they don’t miss a single sound. We hear every whoosh as we watch a flatscreen I’m only just noticing now, while they run for their lives inside the maze.

Unable to stand watching, I force my eyes closed. It doesn’t mask the sounds, but at least I get to avoid watching my friends, loved ones, and… no, after tonight they’re all friends and loved ones. Period.

Well, all but one… where the hell is Flavio?

Chapter 25


Agony,purefuckingagony.That’s what it’s like to watch my nereid fall apart, and being forced to kneel at the fucking scum’s feet. I decide then and there that he’ll die first.

I look at the watch on my arm, hoping they’ll think I’m bored. Any minute now, my phone should vibrate with a message from my main guard, letting me know they’re in position.
